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The Classified Rebel

Server file locations

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11 hours ago, The Classified Rebel said:

Anybody know where I can find item weight values and starting status like your food and water values at fresh spawn?

i am to looking for the weight values i have still not found them would be usefull to know where these are stored

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weight values are in DayZServer>addons folder. I adjusted characters_vest.pbo and gear_radio.pbo, you need to extract the confg.bin file to a folder and have arma 3 tools. Open tools and click "CfgConvert" that select your file and it will say "convert to cpp", once converted open with notepad++ change values and save, then open the same thing from tool kit and select the cpp file and it will convert back to and bin then just paste it back into the pbo file. hope that helps

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