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Blackviper 19960

Guns firing no rounds

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This is a constant unforgivable f##k up that is ruining the game worse than the god awful server lock outs!! What’s the point of surviving hunting gathering and enjoying the game only to be handed a limp d##k rifle when it comes to the crunch??!! SORT IT OUT BOHEMIA ASAFP!!!

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Every time you load into a server, you need to check if you can press Y to change magazine. If you can change mag then your good to go. If your mag won't change try dropping clothes & bag and putting them on again as this unbugs clothes not allowing mags being switched out. You'll need the weight of the mag free in the clothing/bag to allow this as you'll be taking a mag out first in animation and putting in said bag/clothing then putting new mag in. If all this works but the gun still doesn't shoot then drop gun on the floor and go into vicinity loot, select the magazine within the gun and micromanage by holding A button and scrolling into your hands. Pick gun up and either combine mag with  B button in inventory again or tap Y. I've had this big and the stuck mag bug many many times and these methods 100% fix every gun. Very occasionally I'll get the stuck mag bug and will have to drop the gun as get a friend to remove mag for me, so I'm assuming it's not always a gun bug but a character issue. Also be aware that you cannot change mags whilst in a bush or tree, you need enough space for your character model to complete the reload animation. Also if you didn't know holding LT trigger and spamming right d-pad switchs fire modes. Hope this helps, since I've used these fixes I've never had a gun that won't fire.

Edited by TheYetiBum
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