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Private Evans

Combat AI / Arma 3

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So as far as I know, to save needed resources, all Arma Combat AI stuff was ripped out of the game a long time ago. While this of course makes sense for the vanilla game, it could be a problem or handicap when it comes to modding. I mean a lot of Arma 3 mods, especially total conversions could benefit big time from enfusion engine features. Melee combat especially ist something that is really missing in Arma series in general but especially in mods featuring historical stuff like pirates and WWI mods or stuff like Warhammer 40k etc. Porting over such mods should be not that big problem since both games share a lot of tech and modding tools, but such ported7 shaered mods would work in PVP only without proper AI I guess ...which sucks. Of course the zombie and animal AI can be used to create all different types of creatures but I am talking about a more military style of enemies and combat...means human AI. Is BI going to keep this things completely seperated..Arma3 modding and DayZ modding...will there be licenses to use Arma stuff for DayZ and vice versa...ist there maybe a basic human AI even included in enfusion...or will it be possible to create it for modders ?

Thoughts ?

  • Beans 1

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5 hours ago, crazy mike said:

they arent doing it because they arent using it

That's what i said...I know that they removed all that stuff a long time ago since they do not need human AI. What I would like to discuss or would like to know is if we will be able to share resources between Arma and Dayz for modding and if it will be possible in some way to create human Ai units for Dayz ....would be nice to hear something from the devs about this :)

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On 15.9.2018 at 7:43 PM, Private Evans said:

ist there maybe a basic human AI even included in enfusion...or will it be possible to create it for modders ?


On 27.8.2018 at 2:45 PM, Tom_48_97 said:

In short, at the moment, it should be possible to create an AI character, and play with movement states and animations but it would be difficult to deal with collisions since the pathfinding isn't available from scripts yet. We plan to add such support (pathfinding) but the timeline is unknown.



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21 hours ago, Funkdoc said:




He does state it should be possible but currently it isn't.


Including myself, 4 people have tried individually to create a character move which we have all failed to do so.


Right now I am on the belief that it could just be something that the client isn't compiled to handle but the server files will allow.

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