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This will change your fire rate!

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Hold LT to aim, then spam Right D-Pad (Your quick slot wheel) until you see the Semi Auto change to Full Auto. Or vice versa. Hope this helps you survivors! 

  • Beans 1

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It definately works just have to go ham on it. Like click it so fast repeatedly and it will happen but you have to have gun in hand and holding LT works better in 1st person for me

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Also some guns you can adjust range like the AKM and Mosin dpad up or down up to 1000m which is insane if you can hit someone. Ive only gotten 300m. Make sure to center your gun from time to time or ADS is the only way to be accurate do this by aiming all the way up and then all the way down release aim and your gun should be aiming as center as possible.

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Adjusting range works fine. I've personally never got the fire rate to work, neither have any of my friends. Doesn't matter how fast or slow I spam it. 

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I noticed its almost like your pressing and holding it. You have to go old school button mashing on the remote. Takes a good minute of trying to figure it out. Find a safe spot and give it a try for a couple minutes ull see

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  On 9/12/2018 at 8:40 PM, Chris Burton said:

I noticed its almost like your pressing and holding it. You have to go old school button mashing on the remote. Takes a good minute of trying to figure it out. Find a safe spot and give it a try for a couple minutes ull see

Pretty much this worked on the M4 and AKM.

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  On 9/12/2018 at 8:34 PM, CarlTheGooner said:

Adjusting range works fine. I've personally never got the fire rate to work, neither have any of my friends. Doesn't matter how fast or slow I spam it. 

It works 100% but you got to go full auto spam on it to get it to change to full auto or vice versa lol 

Hold the LT and spam the D pad dont spam LT and the D pad just hold LT and spam on the D PAD, Seems to work after a few presses.

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  On 9/14/2018 at 4:45 AM, Powell x91 said:

It works 100% but you got to go full auto spam on it to get it to change to full auto or vice versa lol 

Hold the LT and spam the D pad dont spam LT and the D pad just hold LT and spam on the D PAD, Seems to work after a few presses.

Yeah I managed to do it yesterday by spamming it with my right thumb instead of left lol great find !

  • Beans 1

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