Couple of days back when I had m4 and full clips for it I could shoot couple shots, hit Y and I reloaded a fresh 30round clip in it. No fuzz, simple as that, worked like a charm.
Today I tried to reload the same way and nothing happened, had to drop the mag and combine the gun with a new one.
Is that just another bug or does it matter where you store your mags in inventory? Had them on my pants today, can't remember for sure but last time they were in my vest
Couple of days back when I had m4 and full clips for it I could shoot couple shots, hit Y and I reloaded a fresh 30round clip in it. No fuzz, simple as that, worked like a charm.
Today I tried to reload the same way and nothing happened, had to drop the mag and combine the gun with a new one.
Is that just another bug or does it matter where you store your mags in inventory? Had them on my pants today, can't remember for sure but last time they were in my vest
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