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DayZ - Scaring People

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So, I had the following idea:

We take the Siren, and put some audio before it, maybe a Russian man saying "Nuclear strike incoming, we're done!", in English or in Russian (to play on the russian servers). Since that is the control tower of Balota, it would be pretty awesome :P

BTW, what program was used?

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I don't think he'll tell people the program. Too many people would end up doing this and it would ruin the uniqueness of it.

Great job anyway man! Looking forward to the next video.

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Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it :P Yeah' date=' it took a long time to sit and wait but it paid off in the end i feel like lol


I sat at the airstrip in that exact same bush for over an hour earlier and nobody came :(

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nice video i only have one question for you tho ive been trying to stream dayz but i cant seem to get it in boarder less window mode to stream it any suggestions

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I sat at the airstrip in that exact same bush for over an hour earlier and nobody came :(

Trolling takes patience. Just like sniping.

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Genius, I've gotta try this sometimes haha! :D

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I wanna try actually shooting in full auto with an LMG but not hit them. That's the easiest way to scare the crap out of a noobie xD

I better hurry up before they fix the ammo refilling on relogs xD

Edited by Helsing

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well ive created custom voice messages but sadly, that shows the file name when i use driect chat so i would look like

Direct Chat: SpikeR: Predator RoaR :(

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