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Right now is there any to safely store items separately from your player? Weight and space has been a big issue for me and my friend and I was wondering if storage items (Boxes, cooking pots, etc.) will despawn after a certain amount of time?

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Yes cooking pots will despawn. Right now I dont know a way to store items more then your inventory :/




Edited by tigerking0121

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42 minutes ago, minusRyan said:

Right now is there any to safely store items separately from your player? Weight and space has been a big issue for me and my friend and I was wondering if storage items (Boxes, cooking pots, etc.) will despawn after a certain amount of time?

Currently there is no persistence on the Xbox servers so things have a life span.. After a period of time they will de-spawn. Where as on PC you can drop a item the server can restart and it will still be there.

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