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The HorseMen Clan

Please reduce the need to drink and feed

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11 hours ago, Powell x91 said:

Its not challenging alone, I agree that being kitted with gear etc keeping food in abundance is easy. Water is readily avaialble etc I'm hoping once disease and the elements can effect you more its becomes harder.

At least though, you have to consider that if you didnt have to eat or drink as much as you do then people could easily sprint across the map rapidly to high loot spots. I know it doesnt exactly take ages anyway now but with everything combined eventually I hope it will prove for a good mix but I think the sole reason it is so grindy is to put some thought in the players mind that he has to consider it before taking a long journey.

Ok, that's valid. Let's see how things go.

So far I'm loving DayZ on Xbox.

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Wolves are already in the game and they can run through walls so get up high if you can, and there also oneshot with guns recommend shooting with ether M1A4 or the AKM better with the bullet registration thing

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