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Character locked in database

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Whenever I try to join a game a message is displayed saying "character locked in database attempts left 5" the message counts down to 1 and boots me to the title screen. I dont know how to change characters or if that is possible on xbox. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Mine also. I loaded into a game, lagged quite a bit while doing any movements, then I got kicked due to server connection failure. I restarted the game from xbox home screen, but I keep getting the character locked in database message. PLEASE HELP!


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The database lock should fix itself within an hour max. We are very aware of the server issues and looking into them as we speak.

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It's saying character data check failed and has for a few hours now. Super annoying. I emailed community@dayz to get my character wiped but have heard nothing. It should be an option in the menu. Very dissatisfied with the launch version. Preview was better. 

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Same issue- got kicked and now can't join any servers due to "data connection timeout"

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I also have this. Apparantly it's connected to the ai that's trying to stop duping and server jumping. But I think it's a tad sensitive. I sniped a person at the milatry barracks on the West. Went to check his body but I agroed a zombie. Took two zombies down but got over whelmed. Ran to the gun tower and went up the ladder. Bandaged with 15 zombies below me. I thought this was a time to make dinner. Logged back in a few hours earlier to get the same message. I have tried deleting the saved data connected to the game and this wiped my current load out. I have tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling it. None of these work. To get around it I created another Xbox account to play it. I didn't need Xbox live. So if you want a quick fix and to play just create a new Xbox account. Then when bohemia sort the issue you can revert back to your primary account. 

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Le 30/08/2018 à 12h42, ImpulZ a déclaré:

Le verrou de la base de données devrait se réparer dans l'heure qui convient. Nous sommes très conscients des problèmes de serveur et nous examinons à l'instant où nous parlons.

Bonjour depuis le matin je suis bloqué je peux ne pas lancé  une partie avoir l'avertissement de message (character's data check failed ) sur Xbox one merci

Edited by Jose Leu

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Find character id at bottom left of character page (where you see your character just before you hit "play" its the incredibly long number with letters and numbers)

email the number to

[email protected]

they "kill" your character so you can restart the game with a new one.

Fix in progress but they still don't know what's causing the issue.

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6 minutes ago, xNube4U2Killx said:

Trouvez l'identifiant du personnage en bas à gauche de la page du personnage (où vous voyez votre personnage juste avant de cliquer sur "jouer", son nombre incroyablement long avec des lettres et des chiffres)

envoyer le numéro à

[email protected]

ils "tuent" votre personnage afin que vous puissiez redémarrer le jeu avec un nouveau.

Correction en cours mais ils ne savent toujours pas ce qui cause le problème.

Sinon si je supprime les base des données sa remarche ou pas?

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