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Inventory Management, please explain

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Could we please get clarification on how the inventory is supposed to work on Xbox? I have seen a few different speculations, but I am just under the impression the inventory is bugged at the moment.

I thought that the number we see in the top right corner of a container (such as "Improvised Courier Backpack" when empty displays 0/24) is directly relative to how much it can hold. I have been referring to this as "Capacity".

All items have a number in the top right of their icon (such as "PET Water bottle" displays 8). I have been referring to this as "Size".

So, the way I thought the inventory worked, was that the total "size" number of all the items in the container can not exceed the containers "capacity" number. Is this correct? If so, then the inventory is bugged at the moment, as I suspected. That is fine, and I'm sure it will be fixed in time, but if I am missing something and there is no inventory bug I would really like to know how it actually works.

It would be very much appreciated if someone who knows more could please explain the way the inventory is intended to work.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by BluWolve
fixed title mispelling

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Very close, the way I've seemed to find it works is as follows: items of clothing and bags have a limited pre-defined ammount of slots. For example Jean's have 3 slots, while TTSKO has 4.

Containers also have a carry capacity, as defined by the numbers which represent weight.

For example, I am wearing a Hunter Backpack with 80 carry capacity. I am currently at 76/80 and still have 2 slots left for apples or cans etc, the ONLY way I was able to do this was with protector cases and dry bags. 

This is hard for me to explain, and maybe it's why we haven't had an official announcement on this system yet, I am sure there is a better way to explain it.

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Ah, I think I follow you.

So if I understand correctly, the backpack capacity can only be reached by utilising the slots each backpack has with smaller containers.

So, rather than having rags and blood packs loose in separate slots in a backpack, I am better off putting them all in a first aid kit container, and only taking up a single backpack slot.

The size of each item in the first aid kit, plus the size of the first aid kit itself, still needs to be under the capacity limit of the backpack, but I would only be taking up one slot with all those items.

This makes perfect sense actually, thankyou for taking the time to explain it

The only confusing part is where in the game it displays the number of slots each container has, if it does at all?

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That's exactly right, and you have done a better job putting this into words than I thought I had, so thank you good sir :P

As far as I know there is no visual indicator for 'slots', if I am switching a backpack and am unsure of how many slots I have to work with I'll usually press X to split some loose rounds to see how many 1 round slots I can fill up.

Also, as stated above I'm not entirely sure how correct I am; but via this system I have almost always managed to to fill my containers to their maximum carry capacity. I think we are pretty close to say the least, and if you find out anything more don't forget to come back and drop it in the thread.

See you in Chernarus :)

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Will do, same goes :)

It may even be a good idea to start a list of how many slots each container has, but I would imagine that if what we have figured out is the actual way inventory management works on the console version we will eventually see a visual indicator for slots in-game. Even something simple like an empty square outline where an item could go would be helpful, and wouldn't clutter up the inventory screen.

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Hi both,

my issue isn’t so much the capacity. It’s actually using things. For example how on earth do I refill a ammo clip without dropping the rounds on the floor, how do I add wood to a fire or a cooking pot to a fire. The controls seem very buggy and don’t seem to allow me to do anything?

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G'Day Craig,

Inventory management can be buggy at times, but I can tell you what should work for reloading a mag at least.

To refill a magazine, you want to put in your hands, then hover your cursor over the ammo and press B to combine. You should then push RT to reload.

As far as adding items to a fire, I cant say for sure because I haven't personally used those features. I would hazard a guess and suggest trying to use the "Micromanagement" button. Hold A on the item you want to move, then use the bumper buttons to move to the fire, then release the A button. Hope that helps, let me know if it works please!

Edited by BluWolve

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9 hours ago, BluWolve said:

Ah, I think I follow you.

So if I understand correctly, the backpack capacity can only be reached by utilising the slots each backpack has with smaller containers.

So, rather than having rags and blood packs loose in separate slots in a backpack, I am better off putting them all in a first aid kit container, and only taking up a single backpack slot.

The size of each item in the first aid kit, plus the size of the first aid kit itself, still needs to be under the capacity limit of the backpack, but I would only be taking up one slot with all those items.

This makes perfect sense actually, thankyou for taking the time to explain it

The only confusing part is where in the game it displays the number of slots each container has, if it does at all?

This is intense but it definitely makes sense. I've had pistols disappear into First Aid kits and couldn't find them but now it's starting to make sense. Game is great though!

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