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Inventory Problems

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Sorry for my bad english,

How can i open a Can of Food? How can i tear something in Rags? How can i reload a magazine?

On the PC is easy. But on the xbox i found no solution.

Edited by DerNoobYT

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Its insane.  Can't seem to figure out how to do anything in the game.  I press every button and can't figure out how to use any items... weird

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its laggy af i could unload my mags but not load them lol and had to die to be able to load one into my gun then the servers died this game is sooo good???



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From the little I have played so far, (about 30-40 minutes only) I found that to do most things you have to put them in your hands first, then combine them with the appropriate item. For example, to open a can I would do the following;

Open the inventory screen.

Press A on the can to put it in my hands.

Press B on the can opener to combine.

Exit the inventory.

Press RT to use the combined items together (can opener and can).

It is the same for loading a mag with bullets and a mag into a gun. Although, I think some things work automatically. For instance, if you have a gun in your hands, and a loaded mag in your inventory, you can press LT to raise your gun, then press Y to reload the mag into the gun.

I am still working things out, but hopefully this helps :)

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Great job on the guides DerNoob, very helpful. Thankyou!

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is there a limit of items? i have 18 items,50 free slots but cant take any new items.if drop one from my menu,can take new


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I noticed this as well. I don't know what the problem is. Maybe the Servers have a Bad Connenction or something.

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