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The Experimental Branch and how to join it

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The Experimental branch is by its own definition "Unstable". In the simplest terms, the purpose of the Experimental branch is for the development team to experiment with builds in a larger user base than our internal QA.
Sometimes that results in us finding issues we cannot catch internally, sometimes that means we can verify fixes on issues with very low reproduction rates. Sometimes the builds are very unstable.

This branch exists for load/volume/stress testing. Those who go through the process of manually opting into this branch (its not super visible - by design) and dealing with whatever issues the current build on it may have, get to sometimes see content and systems not quite ready for prime time. However, that does not mean that is the branches purpose.

As the nature of the Experimental branch is for the above mentioned testing methods, neither uptime, character data, nor stability is guaranteed. Persistence/Character wipes are to be expected!

If you encounter issues with the current Experimental build - and you probably will - please report all problems, bugs and crashes to our feedback tracker. If you don't know how, please use this guide.


How to join the Experimental Branch:

In order to join the Experimental branch you need to download a new version of the game. To do that, select the "DayZ Experimental" App from your Steam library or from your Xbox Store and install it.

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