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How many good people do you meet before you get shot?

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It's about even, as long as the infected and survivors stay at roughly the same threat level the game will naturally balance out. Also with no balancing mechanic in play the game is working as intended.

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Literally, 2 mins ago. Was in Elektro Market. I knew a guy was around the building. I yell in chat saying FRIENDLY over and over again (must be a bug, I don't know) So I approach him slowly. I salute him. He shoots me blank in the face. -_-.

Paranoia.. My ass.

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Every person i've met has killed or attacked me :(

Even when it's clear i'm unarmed or just spawned they still kill me.

For that reason i trust nobody and will walk away or shoot first

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I have been playing for about a month. I have never shot anyone that didn't shoot at me first. I have met one person who didn't try to kill me in all this time. I'd say I have been killed 8 or 9 times and shot at 15 times.

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for me, everyone is considered a bandit until proven differently. and i don't give anyone that chance.

if i see someone walking, and they pass me without noticing me. and they aren't accidently approaching me, i'll let them pass. avoiding unnecessary attention to myself and my friends.

if we do find someone that stumbled upon us, we asses his or their firepower. and then we either shoot on sight or threaten them and tell them to keep walking.

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First person who I met had no gun, we were both in the firehouse which had been freshly looted. Went separate ways. Shot entering Rog Castle about 30 min later.

Shot in back crawling into Elektro looking for morphine.

Shot in back entering a wired farm north of Cherno

Shot in the back after fighting off a wave of zombies with 2 other players (one met in game, other friend from outside). At least 2 bandits killed us from the tree line using what sounded like M16's.

Now I use Alt-freelook like a paranoid rabbit and stick to the forest as much as I can, even at night with only 4 players on.

From now on, I'll treat any player as something that can get me killed if we aren't already in separate voice chat. If they are unarmed, I might not shoot them, but I'm certainly not giving them a weapon.

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I'm yet to meet anyone face to face that shot me. I've been shot 4 times and have only seen the shooter from a distance once, and I've met 2 friendlies.

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I think other players have killed me more than the zeds have :( Welcome to Call of DayZ : Backstabber ops

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today after having this game for 3 weeks i met someone who actually talked to me instead of killing me on sight.Now know that people are even worse than zombies.I iam just trying to stay away from any living being as possible because i have no intention in killing survivors i only shoot in self-defense but its usually late . So after maybe 30 deaths i met one good guy.

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In total I have met 4 nice people. 2 of those peopled saved me from a horde of zombies, but in the process ran out of ammo so i killed them with an axe and took their food :D. The other 2 people i met were in Cherno and all of us had only enfields. We went to loot the apartments in Cherno only to barely touch eachother on the stairs, fall down, and die. Was pretty dumb. Ever since then I always meet people who shoot first. They always regret it later though :D.

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Met 2 the first day I played. One showed me how to pick and use a back pack, while the other gave me a 911 that just needed ammo I had. Sadly the first one lost internet and I trying to kill some zombies shot the second one in the head. Shot him with the gun he gave me. And since those two people its been nothing but cowards shooting me from roofs, or hills. Or even better saying they are friendly only to shoot me in the back. The last time I managed to jump as a bullet few by and then watch the zombie eat him, while shooting a driver of the jeep. But there was a 3rd person and he ending my life. Oh well wish there were more good guys out there.

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In total I have met 4 nice people. 2 of those peopled saved me from a horde of zombies' date=' but in the process ran out of ammo so i killed them with an axe and took their food :D. [/quote']

yeah. I don't think I'll bother to help you out any time soon.

I try to be friendly, when I'm able to. My run-ins with players are few and far between though. Hell, I can count them on my hands. Not including my friends who also play the game of course..

1: Crippled, backpack-less player asking for help after a swim and I guess a rough fight with a zombie. Couldn't help him. had no weapons, medicine, or food. He committed suicide by crawling back into the barn he escaped from.

2:Random Survivor who ran into me and two of my buddies while we were picking through a high value barn. Bleeding, had half the damn horde coming down on us. I was told to crossbow him in the face by my friends because he brought so much trouble on us. I saved myself the trouble and put my bow down. The zombies finished him for us. We ran.

3:Random Bandit who attacked me and a buddy from a treeline as I guarded said buddies body for hi mto return and collect his loot. My fault, I imagine. I tossed a flare to keep the zombies away and act as a guide point.

4: Random Bandit who shot me in the chest with a sniper rifle after I walked out of a hospital in Cherno. Had no weapons, no water, no nothing. Barely picked up any medicine from the hospital. Just bandages, and some morphine. Blacked out, bled to 3000 health. Stumbled into a nearby apartment building and bandaged myself. Ate my sole can of food for the lowly 200 blood. And also to spite my would-be assassin if he found me. A few minutes pass, and I manage to slip by and away, north to Nazdhedino.

So while I *try* to be friendly....I'm finding it difficult to keep some semblance of morality when I either need to treat strangers as some sort of demon to keep away from, or a parasite that needs to be burned off.

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You'll be lucky if you don't get shot the first time. I was walking around all happy and found a lone survivor I came to say Hi which I did (I had no weapons as well) he looked at me and with his handy dandy pistol killed me :( first and only guy I have seen

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People who just spawn seem to be nice, especially when I drive by in my car. They usually either salute me, or hide from me - either way, I try to rob them of their flash lights now.

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I am a good guy, with my group as well. That's actually how we found the group. If we see some people or just 1 guy looting Berezino from a distance, we'll just wait until they're gone. The only people we've killed are people that first turned their fire onto us, or obviously murderers. (People settling with a sniper rifle pointed towards cherno).

We've had some people come and go in the skype group, Slovenian, Norwegian,...I've never spoken to before, but met over DayZ.

Hint: Hit caps lock to use voice comm. in DayZ, and don't open with "FRIENDLY FRIENDLY FRIENDLY", but rather "hey there, how's it going, need some help?"

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Wow, you guys meet some serious douches. Normally whenever I see someone in the city I run circles around them asking how they are doing and such. Hasn't failed me yet and these people were heavily armed (I was too). I try everything in my power to help people out. Whenever I am in the larger cities I always find myself tagging along with random people or they tag along with me. I'd say my friendly to bandit ratio is about 8 friendlies to 1 bandit. Really the only bandits I see (I actually don't see them) are the snipers who just go crazy on you.

~GloriousGreed is the in game name (ironic, I know) or Uz3.

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The axe casually rests in the crook of my arm ready to be brought down in a fluid arc that will split a cranium with easy.

On my back is an old canvas backpack bulging with the weight of many yellow fleshlights.

Hello there friend!

No need to be startled!

Looking for supplies?

That is a lovely fleshlight you have there?

One can never have too many don't you think?

Look! More hidden footprints!


nice story, the fleshlight part cracked me up though.

Well im cautious, rarely approach others and shoot on sight unlesss a friend on mumble says its him.

I dont trust anyone thats not in mumble with me anymore. I got axed, pistold, sniped, gunned down. Well killed by lots of ppl in lots of ways, some said nothing, some said theyr friends...

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I got killed so many times by players... I am too paranoid to trust anyone, who is not in TeamSpeak with me. With side, I found friendlies, but since side is gone...

I would say, from the people I did not kill I have a 3 friendly to 1 bandit ratio.

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nice story' date=' the fleshlight part cracked me up though.

Well im cautious, rarely approach others and shoot on sight unlesss a friend on mumble says its him.

I dont trust anyone thats not in mumble with me anymore. I got axed, pistold, sniped, gunned down. Well killed by lots of ppl in lots of ways, some said nothing, some said theyr friends...



It was a typo but I had a bit of a laugh when I noticed it so I figured I would just leave it in as a bad pun haha. :rolleyes:

I don't really go around looking for trouble killing hapless survivors fresh off the boat.

As a lone wolf I tend to observe and evade if I can.

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Encounter #1

Find someone in Elektro firehouse, ask in voice chat if he's friendly. He says yes, I have blood bags so I ask him how he is on blood. He says he's really low so I transfuse him, directly afterwards he shoots me in the face.

Encounter #2

Headed through Starry and see a couple survivors headed into the supermarket, I yell over direct VOIP and ask if they're friendly. They don't respond and turn around, firing AK shots at the tree I was hiding behind. Zombies close in and break one of their legs, I pop out and shoot the non-crippled between the eyes with my winchester. "Okay! Okay! I'm friendly! Don't shoot!" I shake my head, "Bit late for that" I reply, before finishing off the other one.

Encounter #3

NE Airfield, walking into the control tower. Guy with a makarov peeks out and spams bullets at me and hits me a couple times. I run out and bandage, peeking around the corner and seeing that he has switched to a DMR. I circle around, climb up the ladder and riddle his chest with bullets as he runs up the stairs.

Encounter #4

Cherno apartments, was observing a survivor fighting off zombies when he gets knocked out. Being stupid, I run down and shoot all the zombies off him, bandage, transfuse, and give him painkillers. How does he thank me when he wakes up? By firing the last bullet of his M1911 magazine into my leg and breaking it. I go prone and empty my revolver into his chest while he attempts to reload.

Moral: Trust no one.

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I've actually found roughly 15 friendlies this life. I may be having a streak of good luck, but when spotting a player I tend to constantly break LoS until we get a chance to talk through Direct Comm. From experience I'd say most people want to meet friendlies, they just "don't have the balls", I suppose it's often not worth the risk either.

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