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About Tureilim

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  1. Tureilim

    Survivor Guilt.

    i make that sorta threat with a buddy of mine when we play all the time. I never had to actually enforce it. Usually we lose the things in the woods. AND YOU, OP. That escalated quickly, didnt it? ._. You really value your friends I see.
  2. Tureilim

    Why don't more players play like this?

    I play similarly, but not quite. I keep a person at gunpoint and I give orders for them to keep their back to me, if I catch them around. if they're friendly, I lose the aggression but still tell them to stay facing away from me. if they try something, they die. If they need help and I can spare it, I'll drop it for them. If I'm in a good mood I'll warn them of anything I know of, but I do not play with strangers. If you pass along my path I won't group up with you, but I have no intention of hurting you if you just let me go on my merry wanderings.
  3. Tureilim

    My first murder and now I feel guilty

    I'm friendly. I refuse to pull the trigger first.
  4. Tureilim

    My first murder and now I feel guilty

    I'll just answer this with a quote.
  5. Haha....We were about to fire when I crouched up to him and said "Say friendly in 3 seconds or I put a slug in your skull." xD...It was the quickest response I ever got from someone. Won't lie.
  6. I probably have this in the wrong spot, and chances are the dude'll never read this, but hey. yeahhhhh....you scared the holy hell out of us when you came careening down the hill. Apparently you almost bowled my buddy Orca over and made him shout the loudest I ever have heard him over the decade I've known the lad. I had you pegged as an unlucky bandit when I saw you dive down prone on the hill, there. I'm kind of glad it didn't end up coming to a gunfight on the hill there. Sorry if we gave you a fright, but you probably know how the game is. Can't trust anyone. if it's any consolation, I wouldn't have fired first at you. I could not guarantee the intentions of my buddies behind me. The boy with the bigass sniper rifle, voted we rob you. Figured your day was crappy enough with us scaring you off your bike,though, so I talked him out of it. Be cautious on your travels, friend. Next time it may not be a friendly bunch of misfits like us. <.<;; Hah.. PS: I tried to take your bike after you left. It was amusing. Riding around sideways on the hill. I got thrown off.
  7. Tureilim

    [HOW TO] Not Get Shot By A Player

    This is why I play with my TF2 buddies. I can trust them. And they're also the devils on my shoulders. Any day now I'll cross the line to banditry. I feel like Batman in regards to the joker. "It'd be too damn easy."
  8. Tureilim

    Worst day in History to Start?

    Yeah, you need to quickly learn to see "Harflegfdhas" russian and its connection to its english form. You're always on the South coast. It's a matter of putting the ocean to your left, right, or back, and running.
  9. Tureilim

    New player, Looking for a group, and thoughts on the mod.

    First: Sup stranger. ;D Second: I've taught you...Well. The basics. Hop to it, grasshoppa..
  10. Tureilim

    Worst day in History to Start?

    http://dayzdb.com/map#6.039.092 . Look in the bottom right corner of the game when you spawn. It'll tell you what landmark is closest. It's up to you to find out what side of whatever city you're on, but initial travels always been simple to me. "Need to head west. Kay. Keep the ocean on my left." and so on. Just go sprinting down the road, cuz i have nothing to lose and couldn't care less if I die. I may even respawn *closer* to the objective!
  11. Tureilim

    Worst day in History to Start?

    Unless/until its been fixed, you can "trick" the zombies. Run indoors, or zigzag up a steep hill to lose them easily. On flat ground, you're pretty much running nonstop unless you can break their line of sight long enough to get 300m or so away. But thats part of the game's charm. And even toughens you up quickly. Just gotta be aware of your surroundings, and use some of your Naked spawns to dick around and re-acquaint yourself after patches.
  12. Tureilim

    How did you discover Day Z?

    Saw it on another game's forum. And indirectly through seeing a bunch of friends on Steam play OA.
  13. Tureilim

    Worst day in History to Start?

    Eh. I had a decent time beginning. I came after the basic gun removal was removed, but I quickly learned the things I needed to learn. My first question beyond the controls and any basic tips was "What's a deerstand look like?" so I had an idea of what to look for. Now here I am. In essentially the same position. Sometimes I go for marathon runs to Cherno with Elektro zombies on my tail. I swear our characters should be fuckin' olympic athletes.
  14. 1: Never run on the roads unless you accept the risk of looking like a massive target. Always use the cover of the woods surrounding them and use the road as a guide. 2: Be careful with light sources (Flashlights, flares, chemlights) because they attract unseen eyes. And occasionally sniper rounds. 3: Be wary of gunshots. Don't go and investigate. Find a quiet spot and watch things, or get out of there. Quietly. 4: Never sprint around near cities. Crouch-walk or go prone when stealth is a necessity. 5: never turn your back to a player you just met. They can access your backpack without your knowledge. Or they'll just shoot you.
  15. Tureilim

    Offers on my can of Mountain Dew?

    trade you 2 cans of pepsi and a firm bro-fist.