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Looking for a few players (UK/EU) to expand our ranks.

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We are currently looking for a few players to help bolster our group’s ranks so we can field a larger squad and have more players available more often.

We currently rent EU32 and have a Ventrillo server available for voice communication. We all work and our main weekday play time is between 6.00pm and 1.00am GMT. Weekends are anytime really.

Requirements are simple:

- Fluent use of the English language.

- Working Microphone

- Solid knowledge of the games mechanics

- Over 18 would be nice but not an issue.

So if you’re a lone bandit who is looking to be part of a larger squad and have some fun whilst doing so then drop me a line.

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Hi there, I am 22 and have been playing since Thursday last week. I have played FPS games since 14 (CS 1.6) and love utlising proper tactics etc.

I have already atleast 20 hours game time and thats constantly increasing. Feel I could get more out of the game with a few buddies. I have mic and I am from the UK. I work 9 - 5 weekdays at the minute but hours may change shortly. PM me or something :)

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I have been looking for a clan to run with. Im 41 and have been playing for around 3 months and mainly running solo.

the 6pm - 1pm works really well for me so let me know brother.

btw im 41

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