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Suggestion to solve biggest problem - Reassign!

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I have four ideas how to decrease number of reassigns to server by players for personal gain and problems related to this. I hope all understand that reassign is a main gameplay problem.

1) Make ability to connect to any server only after e.g. 15 minutes past after previous disconnect. So, players will think what is better - spend few shots to kill zombie or reassign to make them dissapear.

2)Make button "Logout" on Esc-menu which will disable user-input and shows progress indicator for e.g. 10 seconds with possibility to cancel logout process. After time delay player moved to respawn field and Logout screen (like "You are dead" screan) appears. So, if player decide to exit the game, he should go to the safe place, press "Logout", wait 10 seconds to see Logout screen and only then he can press Exit button on the game to exit. When player lost connection or kill game process from taskbar he should stay on plase 10 seconds too.

3) Make sound of respawn to inform player that somewhere near to him another player is respawning. It is one more reason for player to logout in safe place, where he will not be heared during login.

4) Disable "Respawn" button on Esc-menu. It allow players to select desired place of respawn by continous respawning.

This four simple fixes will much improve gameplay and will decreas number of duppers and unfear players, or atleast decrease possibility to cheat for them.

Thank you for your attention.

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Hmm, no comments yet?

Nobody interesed to make fair gameplay? Or you like to use this cheats yourself?

Any opinion about my idea?

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Hmm' date=' no comments yet?

Nobody interesed to make fair gameplay? Or you like to use this cheats yourself?

Any opinion about my idea?


I have hard time understanding what exactly you mean (I suppose english isn't your main language, not mine either).

Anyway, logout timers discussed here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23764&pid=225467#pid225467

They aim to solve

1. Ghosting (could be solved in other ways too, also discussed in the thread)

2. Farming

3. Disconnecting fights

and slightly related is login or spawn timer with short range announcement to prevent people (who may or may not be server hopping/farming) from appearing into "cleared" areas without warning to those who did the clearing a moment ago.

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15 minutes past after previous disconnect

перед тем как мне удалось вчера попасть в игру я перелогинивался 40 минут, я не знаю сколько там перелогинов было, но если бы еще ждать по 15 минут, я бы зашел только к сегодняшнему утру...

It took me 3 dozen relogins and 40 minutes to connect to game yesterday. If after every disconnection I would have to wait for 15 minutes, I would be online only today maybe

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Ok. 15 minut delay is not a main idea, it may not be implemented, but other two propositions are more usefull.

If there will be timer before logout and no Respawn button - players will not logout in unsafe places during zombies pursuit and will not select respawn place. And it is easy to implement.

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They attempted to implement a 5 second timer previously but it didn't work (as in actually bugged, not just people ignored it somehow). They are still working on solutions for logging out and whatnot.

Personally I support a WoW style logout timer but any kind of delay on reconnecting would significantly punish normal players. Sometimes the game just starts running slow and you need to relog to fix it. My crappy internet ping spikes every once in awhile and I get booted for having a high ping. Sometimes you log out for 5 mins to go afk. As it stands now, the game and life in general is not stable enough to have something as draconian as a 15 minute timer before being able to rejoin a server.

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One more additional idea - make sound of respawn to inform player that somewhere near to him another player is respawning. It is one more reason for player to logout in safe place, where he will not be heared during login.

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