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commiedic (DayZ)

More Barbed Wire Fencing complaints...

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So on top of it bugging out like in the thread I posted yesterday.


I am also getting screen tearing from Barbed Wire Fencing. I don't know if I am the only one getting this, but here are some pictures. This happens whenever barbed wire is placed and I look in its direction from a distance. Usually anywhere between 300m-50m and through a wall.

As you can see when I get really close and take away any obstructions it goes away, but as I approach it with a wall dividing me and the placed barbed wire I get the tearing.


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Does restarting the game fix this? I ask because I get artifacts like that on occasion from other objects, not always wire fencing, and a restart fixes it.

The problem might go deeper than the fencing itself, though it does seem much rarer from other objects.

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I am also getting screen tearing from Barbed Wire Fencing
N.B. "screen tearing" is the effect where you see half of one frame and half of the next frame being displayed on your monitor at the same time' date=' with a random horizontal line splitting the two ([i']caused by the game presenting a new back-buffer half way through a vertical re-trace). This is fixed by turning on v-sync.

I don't know how to describe the bug in the pictures, besides "corrupt geometry", maybe?

Could be a sign of your GPU overheating?

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I have noticed atrtifacting on occasion when approaching some buildings. When I get closer the ones that begin to have these graphic glitches always have barbed wire in, or around them.

Doesn't happen often and it's not a result of overheating or anything like that. And my clock speeds are not overclocked.

I have no graphic issues on any other game, it's only now and then that a building with barbed wire in can for me sometimes cause artifacting.

Edit: And yes as pointed out, screen tearing is something else entirely. And can be sorted by turning on vertical sync.

The graphic glitches you show in your screen shots are "artifacting"

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Getting the same bug now, only seems to have happened since v1.7.2.4. Gets really annoying when trying to shoot someone in the NWAF and this happens and i almost die.

Edit: Vsync doesn't fix this problem for me.

Edited by Gristy

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try this if you're bored, flush three or four.times ingame. (hold shift and minus key on number pad then let go n type flush). then log out to the screen that shows all the players in the server. then relogin and flush once more (only one time). if the distortion gets worse on the first few flushes then you're on the right track.

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I've had the artifacting as well, and it seems to be caused by dead soldiers and barbed wire. The artifacting starts off like your pictures, but the longer I play and the closer I get to whatever is causing it, the more pervasive it becomes. I've had it cover my entire screen, in all directions. People have suggested changing video options, but the only fix I've found to work is actually restart the game. Logging out and back in again does nothing for me.

I guess I just have to avoid all military camps and cities.... Sigh.

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