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Weapon of choice: pros and cons

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Hey there fellow bandits! Time to brag about guns we like and kills we made with it.

As for myself my weapons of choice is M1911 and M14 AIM. One for close quarter fights in the zombie infested areas and PVE while other for PvP only.


Good firing speed, lethal up in close, acceptable sights and frame, lots of ammo.

Preferable tactic.

I’m just sprinting as close as I can get to my target with disregard to my safety (Works most of the time. Hard to hit sprinting target, takes a lot of practice to aim in advance) and unload full clip at it. Or single shots versus zeds.

M14 AIM.

Good firing speed, lethal at mid range, good scope, big clip size, somehow hard to find ammo. Killing dozen military zeds mostly do the trick.

Preferable tactic.

I fire from crouched position. Just one bullet at first shot and watch closely where it hit. If it hit near my target I just spam 3-4 more just to make sure. Then I change my position regardless of the situation. And I always make control shots if my target fell down.

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My first murder weapon, double barreled shotgun. Someone shot at me, I hid in a tent, shot him in the back as he walked in front of me. I found that shotguns are a great weapon to kill players with as the close range generally makes them miss for some odd reason.

My current load-out is an M4 CCO, the scope makes it easy to aim and my tactic is generally to hit with the first shot or confuse them with sprinting, drinking/eating and other sound effects and the oh so infuriating silence.

I'm not shoot on sight but those I deem untrustworthy give me the title of a bandit whilst those I help deem me savior, either way I'm fine sharing my load-out and tactics I'm not attached to either of them.

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usually i hide in the tree line north of cherno or elektro and watch the fires station(s), or hospital/field hospital and await the helpless fools, from my spots in both cities i know the distance to those main points and dial in with my m107 easy pickins! also im usually 650-800m away, so zeds usually wont spawn nor with my rifle usually alert them

just wish the m107 was compatible with NVGs

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I prefer the m1911 for my pistol. Ammo is plentiful, lots of power on tap. My primary weapon of choice is either an m14 AIM, or a Remington 870. I'm a big fan of .308, especially against hostile humans. It never fails to do the job in 2 shots at most. Same reasoning for the shotgun, and it's better against zombies to boot. When I don't have ammo for either of those, a trusty (noisy) ol' bolt action does a terrific job of knocking targets down, and keeping them there.

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1911, same reasons as everyone else. Just a great pistol, always reliable.

M24 for sniping. Great accuracy, not as loud as the .50 cals, usually one hit kill, zeroes out to 800m and can convert dmr ammo to use with it. Also, you an use the mil dots to estimate range pretty easily. Down side is it fires slowly and only has 5rnd clips.

Either m14 or m4 cco as other primary. Either speed or stopping power depending on the scenario. Good accuracy, and easy to handle groups of players.

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AKM, CZ550, M9 SD,

the basic good bad ass gear.

if not that i'll take

M4A1 CCO SD, M107.

not as cool and awesome as the first guns... but i'll manage with those...

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M1911 as secondary. Great power rof and plenty of ammo.

FN FAL when I can get them. Love for iron sight.

Or AKM if I cant.

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I've used pretty much every gun in the game, but one has proved trustworthy time and time again. My old friend the CZ 550 has given me more kills than any other weapon, and has reliably killed in 1 or two shots over and over again. I know the military sniper rifles are more powerful and accurate, but that baby got me through the early days of DayZ

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Bizon SD. (I sneaked in+out of a Heli crash site)

PROs: I had 128 bullets upon finding this which takes up just 2 slots. Nice for any gun. Night Ops just got real.

CONs: Bad sights, Bad range, Rare Ammo (I'd imagine).

Prefered tactic: Avoid Medium-range PVP. Low-Level-Light-Looting :P

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1911 (duh) and AKM/CZZ. havent had my hands on better tier weapons for that long... usually carry both.

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Honestly, AKM/1911. Easy to find ammo, both pack a punch, zeroing on the ak, get good with it and its deadly. Chest shots normally drop a player.

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I've had the most luck with the good ol' M4A1 and M1911. That being said, I've not had a good chance at the military rifles yet.

Current loadout; AKS-Kobra and a M9SD...wish me luck ;)

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M4A3 CCO (if i manage to find one, i will never change it for another weapon). Great sights, relatively plentiful ammo and almost recoilless, which makes it easy to put tight groups at full-auto up to 50 meters (enemy will have no chance to shoot back at me, at least if i get him/her on my sights first) and quick follow up shots at longer ranges.

1911 as a sidearm, it's got the punch and accuracy and ammo can be found almost everywhere.

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Camo Skin.

Insane firerate helps keep enemies pinned and easily panics them.

Uses a 7.62 so it kills zombies and players with a single round.

Sounds cool.

100 round belt's allow you to clear a town of zombies or lay down suppressing fire for your squad.

Usable with NVG's.

400m Effective Range.

If you get the jump on a player they may think it's more than one person shooting at them.

Red dot scope is better than the iron sights on the other two machineguns.


Extremely loud. (pretty sure it's louder than the 50 Cal Snipers)

Semi-hard to find ammo. (Not rare but not common)

Hard and drastic recoil.

The gun itself is pretty rare.

Ammo can take up a lot of inventory space.

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Lee Enfield



Great ironsights.

Common weapon and even more common ammo.

One-shots players.


Low fire rate.

THE loudest weapon in the game.



Common ammo.

Zeroing up to 800m.

Thermal vision. No one can hide. Amazing for spotting roles.


One of the rarest guns in the game.

Sucks for CQC since the scope has the zoom of a sniper rifle.

Damage is lower at long ranges, and isn't as accurate as other scoped weapons.

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Pro's- Insanely powerful, a single well placed shot will incapacitate your target 90% of the time. It breaks bones and takes out 8k blood minimum if it doesn't kill you :D. Ammo is plentiful, accurate at 200-300 meters (which is the range you'll want to be engaging your enemies at with this gun) and of course, zeroing.

Cons- THE SOUND, this thing is not quite in Enfield territory but if you accidently happen to hold the mouse down too long and instead of a quick semi auto round you send off an automatic burst, I either move INSTANTLY because they know where I am, regardless if I know if my target is dead or not. Zombies will come at you and its generally just a super loud gun, not a good looting gun, this gun is for medium range PVP out at NWA or around the country side.

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Pros: Instant kill almost anywhere on a player's body, Ammo is common (For me anyways), Brilliant scope, Great stopping power, can get shots off to a maximum of 1600 Meter's, Surprisingly quite compared to some sniper's (My person opinion).

Con's: Requires a good second primary gun and handgun, Your basically wearing a huge black antenna on your back, takes up 1/4 of your screen in first person, can only be found at heli crash site's, dead giveaway in bushes and wearing a ghillie suit.


Pro's: Silent, Good for close quarters, Perfect for night operation's, The animal killers weapon of choice!

Con's: 4 shot's to the body of a zombie (Unless it's a headshot), Ammo is rare, Can't use regular M9 mag's (I can't, don't know about you guy's), Terrible for player killing (Unless it's night with NVG's and its a headshot), Id gladly drop this gun of at my camp and take another handgun (Preferably the revolver or M1911).

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