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I thought I'd share an idea I have with the rest of the community, it could be a solution to the growing lone wolf and kill on sight issue I have seen in my time lurking the forums.

(Note: My apologies if anyone has suggested a similar system already, if so could you please link me to it so I can thumbs up the shit out of it, thanks.)

The idea was inspired by the many threads where players had supposedly spotted a non-zombie npc labeled "man".


You just killed your 40th victim in cold blood, eventually you would feel remorse for those actions, no? You would see hallucinations of your past victims, they would haunt you, occasionally giving you the shakes, you would start hearing things (noises added to the existing soundtrack).

And what about survivors? Let's say a player spends many many days without social interaction, he would see hallucinations, he would find himself talking to inanimate objects (additional noise to attract zombies and players) and so on and so forth.

So yeah, that's my suggestion, its a little messy and I would have presented it a little better if I wasn't so damn tired, let me know what you think.

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People have similiar idea but "Humanity"

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Seems alot like adding a dash of amnesia dark descent to dayz I like the idea. Maybe make it occur to normal players too and mor common to the bandits maybe stuff ranging from seeing things, footsteps heard, to hearing some one talking to you.

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Also, if you spend too much time alone or at night by yourself, you would become more mentally unstable, and then to stop the pvp problem, after seeing too much carnage, like watching people being chased or killed, or you killing other people, even in self defense it still affects you, maybe even more in reality when you have to kill someone in self defense it's like years of therapy, You would COMMIT SUICIDE.

I don't know if anyone has played like Penumbra or call of Cthulhu, where if you go through too many traumatizing experiences you would become insane and kill yourself

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Yeah, Amnesia also gave me a bit of inspiration, haha.

I figured adding a lot of different sounds to the soundtrack could do the trick for the most part, and the shakes already exist for a lot of different things.

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"oh look it's this thread again" sometimes when something is reiterated independently by different people its probability because it's a good idea. Insanity in a post-apocoliptic scenario isn't too far fetched heck even the kid in the book "hatchet" went through an insanity phase when he was still trying to take it all in.

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My characters are all sociopaths and give no fucks about killing people or social interactions. The game should not fuck with players for choosing to go solo or for being a bandit, and this has been said many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many times by just about everyone. Players make the world.

That having been said, this is a dumb suggestion.

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