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The Network Bubble Test - Has the player render distance increased lately? (and tent render distance)

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Thanks for recording your experiment.  Do tents only render in at 150m when looking with the naked eye, or scoped as well?  Seems awfully shallow, but maybe it makes it too easy to find camps if they render in at a great distance.

Also, even if player render distance hasn't been increased, it sure seems like I see more buildings/trees in the distance than I used to.  I haven't changed my graphics settings, either, so it seems like they unlocked additional view distance server-side.

Edit: Also, not that it matters, but out of curiosity are you running the 32-bit or 64-bit client?

Edited by sanguine00

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150m with naked eye too. Scoped didn't make any difference. Seems to be tied to player distance


If you are seeing more houses in the distance your config view distance was probably amended at some point

I run 32 bit myself. Was getting lots of crashes on 64 (but actually getting lots on 32 now also)

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