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frames dropping in certain areas (tell me its not just me :))

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While I completely understand that this is still a work in progress and that it has improved drastically since the new rendering engine went into place in the early summer of '16, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't something with my setup and/or video drivers causing some FPS drops in big cities and some other spots.  I feel I have a pretty decent mid-ranged PC and while I get a pretty consistent 60fps (yes, i'm running with VSync on cause the screen tearing drives me nuts) and when I hit larger cities or some sections of the forest (like the yellow leaf tree forest near Tisy), I'm getting pretty significant frame drop.  I'm running everything maxed out 1080x1920, but dropped the Anti aliasing down to "Normal" and "FXAA Normal" and still see massive frame drops in large cities and some dense forest areas.  down to 30-35fps in some cases.

Really I just want to hear from other on here that have specs similar or better than mine to see if they are experiencing the same thing.

i7 6700K 4.0ghz

16GB DDR4 2400

MSI Radeon R9 390 8GB (latest drivers)

MSI gaming mobo

Win10 Pro x64

I am running the game in 64-bit mode, but also tried 32-bit and didnt notice any difference in fps.

thanks for any feedback...and again, i realize its not optimized, and just wanted to know its not just happening to me :)

Edited by mjf6866

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It's probably not just you.  If you're monitoring your GPU when you get the frame drops you'll probably notice the game is using much less of your GPU than when you're getting a full 60fps.  Hopefully it just means additional optimization is needed in those areas of the map.

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