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Carl's Sr.

Barbwire maddness!!

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Me and people like me who play this game legit and find our own gear as opposed to dupers should share the same feelings when we see an area containing good loot, fenced off by irremovable barbwire. While barbwire can be useful for fencing off areas containing good loot, and annoying other players it is rarely used as intended. While it is a good idea to have something like it in the game, it is no doubt ruining gameplay for many players who spawned in Electro only to find the church fenced off with no way to remove the barbwire.

In some cases i tried server hopping in order to get away from these servers that had been horribly abused only to find another that's worse off.

My favorite trick so far regarding barbwire was having seen it place on the bottom or top of ladders. If you place 2 layers right next to one another and someone unknowingly climbs down the ladder they will break their bones and die.


1: Remove barbwire from the game. This is the first solution i suggest because it is already clear that people are incapable of handling barbwire as it was intended to be used. If you chose not to abuse it, then there are ten more players that will, therefore ruining the game.

2: Make it easier to take down. i know for sure that you cannot remove it with a toolbox but even if you could, noobs wouldnt be able to obtain the gear nessesary to removing the barbwire because all the areas where you might find decent loot is fenced off. I suggest making it so that if you face the barbwire you have a "remove" option, without needing a toolbox, because you can place it with ease you should also be able to remove it with ease.

Whether or not you agree with my solutions there is still no doubt that barbwire is a game ruiner. If you have any alternative solutions it would be good to hear input.

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I feel that barbed wire should be able to be hacked down by hatchets however tank traps and sandbags should be in-penetrable.

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It probably just needs a lifetime timer. its made out of really crappy metal that degrades in 48 hours :p

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the 48hours timer wouldnt be a fix because it would take to long, people would still miss out on much needed gear because some guy thought it would be funny to place massive amounts of barbwire in a church or grocery store,

the idea that you should be able to destroy it with a hatchet would be a good suggestion but most people need gear to survive and dont always find hatchets (as common as they are)

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1. Don't allow any entrenchments *in* buildings (for now). Even if you have a toolbox, barb wire in buildings is stupid buggy and often impossible to find the "remove" point.

2. Players should no-clip tank traps (seriously, it's not hard for a person to just squeeze between them).

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