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Another personal ideas and suggestions

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Hi everyone! There are some things to add in our glorious game. I bet most of them floating around in some form or shape. but still be in my personal favour list.


  • zeds should be able to knock our guns out! they could damage or even jam weapon, our axe or knife can stuck in their rotten corpses
  • zeds should be able to knock us down
  • zeds should be able to kick us so hard we would drop backpacks
  • zeds should drag us out of the cars. not just standing around.
  • zeds should be able to knock us out on the road of the moving car
  • blood stains on clothes and most important on the ground with trails
  • sound when using backpack
  • damage legs when step on broken glass with no shoes on


  • different vests = different configuration of same free space like they do in games like Brigafe E5 or 7.62 .like you dont just have 5x10 space but rather 5x5+5x5
  • to interact ith backpack you have to take it in your hands or put it in the ground
  • make weight and mass system actually work
  • detach buttstock and silencer for less space
  • damaged backpack = less free space
  • use rags, oil and other materials to clean\fix weapons
  • improvised buttstocks

and my favorite wish - special animation for knife takedown\last hit.

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1. Not rotten corpses, but why not.

2. Yes, seems reasonable

3. That seems excessive, they are just human.

4. Interesting.

5. How exactly ?

6. Yes

7. Yes

8. Yes

9. Sure

10. Yes

11. Will eventually happen.

12. Yes

13. Was suggested before even by me.

14. Yes

15. Sure

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