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Ricky Reaves

No servers ( age old issue )

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So, i know maintenance was today, but this issue has been going on for almost 2 weeks now. There are absolutely no servers showing up. I've messed with the filter to the wildest settings, did the whole DNS flush, ip release and reset ect ect, still nothing. Does anyone have a clue of what else could be going on?  

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On 10/19/2016 at 6:38 PM, Ricky Reaves said:

So, i know maintenance was today, but this issue has been going on for almost 2 weeks now. There are absolutely no servers showing up. I've messed with the filter to the wildest settings, did the whole DNS flush, ip release and reset ect ect, still nothing. Does anyone have a clue of what else could be going on?  

I honestly don't have a clue what could be causing this...my best guess is you may have some sort of IP or Ad Blocker active that may be preventing you from connecting with DayZ servers? If that were the case you would probably get an error before you even made it to the server selection screen. Make sure DayZ is allowed through your firewall if you have one. A quick google search should help you figure that out. 

Also, If you have Teamviewer or something similar installed and running when you launch DayZ, that can mess with the game also. Not sure exactly why, but I have to make sure Teamviewer or any other remote desktop connection software is disabled before running DayZ. 

Do you get any error messages when loading steam or when trying to connect to battle eye when you first start Dayz?

Edited by JBURNS489

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