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DayZMod 1.8.8

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The ideal place to post bugs is:


Please make sure they are listed to the DayZ project. Feature requests can also be made through this system.

Full Download:

Client Files: http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/1.8.8/Stable/2/%40Client-1.8.8-Full.rar
Server Files: http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/1.8.8/Stable/2/%40Server-1.8.8-Full.rar

Mission File: http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/1.8.8/Stable/2/dayz_1337.chernarus.rar


* [Prerequisites] - Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 x86 Redistributable (LINK)

* [Prerequisites] - Battleye Filters must be updated manually by server admins. (Link)


* [server-Admins] - You must download and run this SQL querys to updated your databases.

* [server-Admins] - You must updated your mission file.

* [server-Admins] - Please run these SQL updates we missed them within the build scripts. Thanks
UPDATE character_data SET Backpack = REPLACE(Backpack, '"equip_woodensplint"', '"ItemMorphine"') WHERE INSTR(Backpack, '"equip_woodensplint"') > 0;
UPDATE character_data SET Inventory = REPLACE(Inventory, '"equip_woodensplint"', '"ItemMorphine"') WHERE INSTR(Inventory, '"equip_woodensplint"') > 0;

Changes V1.8.8


Please Note: I can only access the fourms from my home PC ill try and keep updated but i wont always be able to reply to messages.

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The SQL files are in the server download - at the moment those files in the github are correct as well. A wipe is not necessary, only some of the meta files changed substantially to add spawn locations, spawn inventory and bug fixes.

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guys im new.. for join in a server i download only this Files: http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/1.8.8/Stable/2/%40Client-1.8.8-Full.rar   and extract in the folder operation arrowhead\mods ??

Edited by MATTEO M

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