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Mean Gun Morris

Steps to getting dayz again

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Hi Peeps a year and a half ago my mate was unfortunately global banned by battleye. Now myself and another buddy couldn't work out how he managed to get him self banned because he's fairly illiterate when it comes to computers so it may have been a background program running that battleye assumed was a threat. He has gone down the path of trying to appeal to battleye through the appropriate paths but nothing has come of it. Anyways what I'm here to ask of you is could you be so polite and list the following steps for him to be able to play Dayz/Arma again. I'm not totally sure as i have read numerous different ways to do this. Does my buddy have to wipe his ssd/hdd and create a new steam account or can he just buy Dayz again? 

Thanks guys and gals

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Hiya Morris,

Whatever software got him banned in the first place - if it isn't removed completely - will probably get him banned again.  So I would think that a full wipe & clean windows reinstall is the only way.  

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Hey Mr Walnuts! appreciate the input will let my buddy know it will be safer to just start fresh. Cheers 

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