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Episode of Desync or Cheating?

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I wish to have your opinion if this episode has been a desync or cheating, because on over 1000 hours of game i've never experienced at this:


I was playing in a server of my own country, good ping and smooth, the game toolbar works smothly and weapons get handled quite immidiently.

I were on Dubki on "NIGHT SERVER", on one of the highest buildings looking at Balota, the one that is most at west! I was on prone posiotion and i'm pretty sure none knew my position and I was looking at the ladder in that moment.

I've got hit like 4 consecutive times without a miss. 4 clear shots hit my flesh without timing between each shot.....it wasn't like uhm....it wasn't like TUM - TUM - TUM, it was TUMTUMTUMTUM . And no gun sounds

So i tought..."what the f?  The closest and higher building is at 300 metres! How can you shoot a prone target without miss an hit and with a Scope that does not zoom?" There is only one building close to mine at the same altitude, but because of the prone position, you can't spot clearly a guy.

So what i've done was contact the Clanserver owners and they checked all logs and they also detected the author of the kill and it wasn't a new name for me. It was better if i didn't knew it because i had a suspicius of cheating in a previous game session with that guy.


The Server owners said that he killed me with a winchester and later the same guy has been killed by one of them when leaving a building. But they know that guy and it's a nice one. The multiple hits on the flesh are because of a desync error.

Is that true? Because as that player belong to a clan wich is twinning to the server owners, i was afraid was some sort of cover.


Does this kind of Desync exist? If it was one shot and kill....ok i was fine! But if get multiple hits in that way and admins says that it was a winchester that killed me i have a doubt.



Edited by GunnyITA

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sorry, it happens. This is beta for you, but this sort of thing happens in all shooter games when  there is some lag. Dayz is bad when it comes to this. I have shot someone point blank with a shotgun to the face and saw blood fly but somehow they killed me first with one shot from a pistol. Try not to get too attached, it happens to us all.

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