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Hey guys,

I'm from Brazil and we don't have any server hosting here. I have a ping of 320 in another servers, like my friends too.

How I start a new private hive DayZ server ? This server will help a many people from my country.

In past, my clan had a server of DayzMod, but now, we want a Dayz Sa Server.

Sorry my english.

Thank guys.

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Right now, you can't.  Server files are not available yet and no 'release date' has been issued.  If you see 'server files' out and around the internet for DayZ, avoid them as they're either cracked or fake, and will most likely result in a global ban.

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I sought today how start a server and found it files, but this files it is on past version ( v0.53). Thanks god, i don't tried nothing before ask here HAHAHA.


Again, sorry my English. I don't like google translater and i trie write myself. ( yep, very bad, I know )!

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It's Hawaiian, Big Mike was apparently taken when the forums merged.

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