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John (DayZ)

Remove barbed wire

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I've tried and I've tried, but I can't think of a single genuinely useful purpose for barbed wire. Sure, you can argue that it can be used to funnel players into the direction that you want to gun them down, but here's the thing: that is rarely how it is used. Primarily, barbed wire is used to grief other players; setting it up in a way that it's impossible to enter a lootable building.

Is there any real reason to keep this shit around?

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Yes and no. I think if you have a hunting knife or a hatchet it should be used to remove barbed wire. It'd make things that much easier

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I like the idea of the fencing tool. Perhaps changing the fencing tool to a limited amount of uses (2-3) would help with the spam. If not I say remove it. Its mostly contributing to trolling spam or server hopping/looting.

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At a moment like this, where this item can be duplicated, there are few choices.

One could be to remove it entirely until duplication is fixed, which would help tremendously.

Or if possible change how they are placed.

Instead of being able to be placed everywhere, have it have the characteristics of placing a tent, to only limit being outdoors and even then being a bitch to place.

It would certainly strain the people who place these things.

Another advanced option would to change barb wire to instead allow you to crawl under it, yet still retain tent characteristics except allow them to be placed indoors.

Though I do not know how hard the last one would be to implement, so first 2 is supposedly best.

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Yes and no. I think if you have a hunting knife or a hatchet it should be used to remove barbed wire. It'd make things that much easier

This does make a lot of sense.

I'm just very tired of being unable to enter a building that I know will have decent loot because somebody has decided to block every single exit with ten lines of barbed wire.

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Find a Toolbox.

Please don't post if you don't know what you are talking about.

What? How did they not know what they were talking about? Find a toolbox and remove the barbed wires. Nothing to it.

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Find a Toolbox.

Please don't post if you don't know what you are talking about.

What? How did they not know what they were talking about? Find a toolbox and remove the barbed wires. Nothing to it.

Except they don't seem to spawn anymore.

I mean, yeah, if somebody put the wire down it stands to reason that they found a toolbox. I've found three DMRS, two FALs, an M27, a Barrett, and a few other things since 1.7.0, but not a single toolbox.

Something slightly more common to cut the wire might be nice. Or just removing it entirely since, again, I haven't heard a single reason that it's even genuinely useful (unless "so I can keep being a douchebag" is an excuse, I guess).

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It would be better if Barbed wire and tank traps couldn't be used in or near to buildings. At present they are just used to grief players, and especially in the case of tank traps could easily be climbed in real life.

Making your own camps with barricades in the woods would be cool though.

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For the most part, I really think the barbed wire is fine.

The only issue is the difficulty in selecting it just right.

Doesn't it make sense that toolboxes should be hard to find? They would be rarer to find than most other survival items as in the real world are only used frequently by a niche - tradesmen and diy guys.

Even then, doing laps of industrial buildings in the cities will procure one eventually.

It makes no sense in being difficult to remove. As some one said earlier who gas actual experience dealing with it, removal is not hard due to its folding nature. Metal gloves, a few cuts and it becomes unusable.

How can anyone who argues against this refuse to be labeled as a griefer with a straight face?

Also, could we restrict fence spawns to military camps (being military application wire)?

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