Ophidion 11 Posted July 4, 2012 There's ONE thing you always think about when making suggestions like this.Balance > Realism.Is fun = or =/= to balance.So, Balance = Fun? If it sounds good, Balance > Realism.The game would be trash if zombies couldn't climb and do all that stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert Shannon 27 Posted July 4, 2012 Zombies are zombies, just kill them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 46 Posted July 4, 2012 They are infected not zombies there is a massive difference. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deviant (DayZ) 43 Posted July 4, 2012 These aren't the black and white rise-of-the-dead zombies ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
liquidcactus 719 Posted July 4, 2012 We all know if there really were zombies in real life' date=' that they would most likely be brain dead. Now if someone was brain dead, it would have an effect on everyday actions, such as climbing ladders and opening doors.So my suggestion is to make the zombies more like zombies (i know this is easier said than done but it would add that "realism" this mod is trying to reach). What i mean by this is currently, zombies can open doors and climb ladders, and many other things, which isnt something a braindead creature is capible of doing.Also, zombies run fast as shit. I mean obviously their muscles are dead, so they shouldnt run faster than a sprinting survivor, like they currently do.~silent[/quote']Ok, so here is this silly debate once again... understand theres no " IF ZOMBIES IN REAL LIFE " .. blah blah.. its a very subjective fictional playground... there is no real life rules on zombies.. i do agree that they run way to fast ingame... but shit.. i dont remember reading anywhere that they are actually dead..in this game anway? therefore who said theres dead tissue/muscles.. anyway, its the rocket guys universe and no 1 elses so he does what he see's fit and for the most part its been pretty damn good..having said this.. i have never had a zombie try to climb up a ladder in dayZ anyway.. hmmmm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nasty Wet Smear 4 Posted July 4, 2012 Taking the post in the SPIRIT it was meant, as opposed to punching every straw man we can: Zombies should be able to smash through doors, and I'm sure that if the engine gives the ability to them, that Rocket would prolly love to see a change like that... But opening them does seem less then "Zombie" like. As for ladders?... Tough one. I would think zombies WOULD be able to climb ladders. I mean, they can pull themselves over things, right? It's only a small step from that to pulling themselves up a rung at a time. Also, for game play reasons, you don't want a small ladder to become an unassailiable sniper safe zone where they quietly pop zombies for 'yuks' while eating beans and pooping off the edge. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vertisce 158 Posted July 4, 2012 This argument of "they aren't zombies, they are infected" is stupid. Sorry...but even the author/dev cannot call the mod "Day Z" and call them zombies and then say they aren't actually zombies. They are zombies. They behave and work like a zombie in every sense of the fictional word.If the author has chosen to allow the zombies to climb ladders and open doors then so be it. We can disagree with him but it is ultimately his choice. Live with it or stop playing. Simple as that.I DO think it would be more fun as a game if they couldn't climb ladders and open doors. I have explained many times in a few threads including this one as to why. I don't feel the need to repeat myself yet again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nasty Wet Smear 4 Posted July 4, 2012 This argument of "they aren't zombies' date=' they are infected" is stupid. Sorry...but even the author/dev cannot call the mod "Day Z" and call them zombies and then say they aren't actually zombies. They are zombies. They behave and work like a zombie in every sense of the fictional word.If the author has chosen to allow the zombies to climb ladders and open doors then so be it. We can disagree with him but it is ultimately his choice. Live with it or stop playing. Simple as that.I DO think it would be more fun as a game if they couldn't climb ladders and open doors. I have explained many times in a few threads including this one as to why. I don't feel the need to repeat myself yet again.[/quote'] What would be your solution to the ladders becoming this unreachable nest? I mean, think of the Airfield with it's little gas canisters with the ladder leading to the top... If you could sit on those and pick off zombies? I'm not arguing with you, just wondering if there would be a solution. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StealthyBrayden 6 Posted July 4, 2012 This thread again?Must be Tuesday.HAHAHAH LOVE IT!They are infected people...http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=7698&pid=71234#pid71234Like Rocket said. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vertisce 158 Posted July 4, 2012 This argument of "they aren't zombies' date=' they are infected" is stupid. Sorry...but even the author/dev cannot call the mod "Day Z" and call them zombies and then say they aren't actually zombies. They are zombies. They behave and work like a zombie in every sense of the fictional word.If the author has chosen to allow the zombies to climb ladders and open doors then so be it. We can disagree with him but it is ultimately his choice. Live with it or stop playing. Simple as that.I DO think it would be more fun as a game if they couldn't climb ladders and open doors. I have explained many times in a few threads including this one as to why. I don't feel the need to repeat myself yet again.[/quote'] What would be your solution to the ladders becoming this unreachable nest? I mean, think of the Airfield with it's little gas canisters with the ladder leading to the top... If you could sit on those and pick off zombies? I'm not arguing with you, just wondering if there would be a solution.The more you keep firing the more zombies show up. You only have so much ammo before you run out. What then? Log out? Thats always an option people abuse anyway so it's a non-issue. Same goes with being trapped in a room behind a door with a bunch of zombies on the other side. You are still trapped. You can always log out but you could have done that running away from the zombies anyway. Zombie banging on door makes lots of noise and attracts many more zombies.Its not the perfect way out of getting killed because you are either going to waste a lot of ammo shooting your way out, die anyway or log out. The latter, again, always an option that can and will be abused anwyay. The "infected vs zombie" argument is still moot. They are zombies in every definition of the word. Even the word "infected" implies "zombie" in this situation. You may change the story and say they aren't actually dead and still have a beating heart but they are still zombies. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and tastes like a duck...it isn't chicken. It's duck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marten (DayZ) 2 Posted July 4, 2012 I dont understand why there is always the post "Rocket says they are just infected so get used to it or stop playing" That's not an argument.I mean sure Rocket makes the mod an in the end it's his decission.But isn't this part of the Forum called SUGGESTIONS?????So we can suggest things which we think would make the game better,and then discuss it. Sure u can say Rocket won't do it so u don't needto discuss, but that's no argument.So just let eyeryone else discussit, because even if Rocket says so maybe he could change his mind due to good argument.And if eyeryone else wants to discuss it every week just let themand ignore it.I mean if u are so sure that Rocket isn't gonna change it. Why bother then.For eyeryone else who believes in argument and discussionsin keep going on as long as u won't to.And now the SUGESSTION here is "making the "Infected" slow and stupid". I think.Cons:-Game might get to easy-to make the game more difficult then u would need more Infected, so uneed better servers.Pros:Slower Zeds have there own touch with them, if they surround and u are out of ammo.U die because u overestimated yourselve by going into this village.That numerous slow horde is just more fearsome in my opinion.Being chased by the Infected doesn't really need Infected in this gameu could also be chased by let's say hungry Wolves. Because the infected in this game lack also of other Zombie characteristics. In a lot of Zombie Movies some of the Zeds are somehow emotionally related to the survivors and so the survivors are often compromised by it. And I never saw my infected mother in this game and I don't think there is a way to translate this into the game.Being bitten by the Infected makes u one, so u need to be reallyaware of them even if they are slow. But there is no close combat system in this game to represent that.They are resillent and die only from headshots or total destruction.That makes them really fearsome. The infected here are just crazy rampaging persons which are as vulnerable as a normal man.There are innumerous hordes of them, they are everywhere, u cant get away, except u have a door or ladder to buy u some time to find another hidden way out or just reload.U can't really do that in the game.Sure sometimes ladders work but even then often u are trapped on the roof.(Nothing wrong about that, that's life).But if the infected are right behind u they climb ladders here.And doors they just open doors instantly, so u can't even buy some time until they break through with a door. Yes there are Movies like 28 Days but they work not because of running Zeds, but because the Zeds have the other characteristics.So that the movie is labelled as a Zombie movie and is interresting as such.So my point is. But in this game the infected have little to do that what I would callZombies. Making them slow, stupid and innumerous would make them more like Zombies. And i think making them more like that would add more atmosphere to the game.So of course some parts of these arguments are based my preconception of Zombies, but I watch Zombiemovie because of these, and i don't like running zombie movies as muchas slow zombies movies.And sure the infected here don't need to follow my preconception.But since this is discussed frequently here, there are obviouslyothers who have a similar opinion about this.And yeah this game is called Day(Z) and yeah I expected(Z)ombies. And till now I got only Rampaging Sick Peoplechasing me forever. But for now it's an alpha, but laterit would be dealbreaker for me.So in a way this is also about "which Zombies u like more",Sure Rocket could just decide, but since he obviously wants others to play this game. And since it's a very basic decission he could let this be decided by the community. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nasty Wet Smear 4 Posted July 5, 2012 The more you keep firing the more zombies show up. You only have so much ammo before you run out. What then? Log out? Thats always an option people abuse anyway so it's a non-issue. Same goes with being trapped in a room behind a door with a bunch of zombies on the other side. You are still trapped. You can always log out but you could have done that running away from the zombies anyway. Zombie banging on door makes lots of noise and attracts many more zombies.Its not the perfect way out of getting killed because you are either going to waste a lot of ammo shooting your way out' date=' die anyway or log out. The latter, again, always an option that can and will be abused anwyay. [/quote'] Hmmm. There's the problem of people who AREN'T on a ladder who shoot then. I mean, you don't want the game to be over if you shoot a single zombies, ending with you swarmed no matter what you do... And at the same time, you don't want to punish people for being up a ladder unless they are exploiting it. It's a bit of a toss up really. I spose, for the time being, there are bigger issues to worry about. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YoZH 20 Posted July 5, 2012 Also' date=' zombies run fast as shit. [/quote']I don't know about opening doors, but I'm sure there has to be a possibility to run away from a zombie.If you don't have a weapon or ammo to it and only one zombie notices you - 75% you are dead.Player's speed has to be bigger then zombie's. It won't help in a town when they are all around, but will be helpful after respawn when crawled near the border of a town and a zombie spotted you.Instead next can be done: zombies run a bit slower but can run for a <9000 km and a player becomes tired after the first one and can only walk or smth like that. So if the player after increasing the distance didn't hide zombies will still catch up with him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NobodieCro 11 Posted July 5, 2012 These are infected. Not Actually zombies...Infected people , like the guy on Bath Salts.. Still human but just fucked up xD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sonova 5 Posted July 5, 2012 Yeah but I think Rocket had more of a "28 Days Later" kinda zombie in mind when doing this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 28 Posted July 5, 2012 what a stupid idea. You just want stupidzombie to be able to loot as you want dont you ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Private Poptarts 23 Posted July 5, 2012 I agree in some ways... I like the fact that they're the fast and dangerous, 28 type of "zombies" (and it does say, on the dayzmod site, "zombies". With quotations. See what I mean here?)They should be perheaps a little slower (not sure if this would make them too easy), but they're not numerous enough. You can just run through them basically now, you might get surprised from behind a corner but besides that they're not that difficult right now.They should be able to run/almost run indoors, but the problem is, zigzagging and warping and teleporting and whatnot.And yes, they should be able to climb ladders - there's no safe havens in towns, you should be under constant threat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 164 Posted July 5, 2012 They are NOT zombies' date=' they are infected, and as such (Infected in early stages of disease development) they are extremely agile/strong. That is a paraphrased summary of what rocket (developer and creator) has said before[/quote']Then why the hell is the mod called Day"Z" I'm assuming that the Z doesn't refer to Zebra or Zulu. I asked this question before. Are they living infected or walking dead? This is a very fundamental point to this mod. They would have to change the name if they are Living Infected as they aren't by definition zombies. I'll refer you to my thread I started here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=24415I'm not sure this mod knows what it's trying to be. A virus outbreak infecting the living? Or the walking dead i.e. zombies. From the way Rocket explains these entities it seems they are suppose to be living infected, but the mod title suggests otherwise. DayZ, "Z" meaning Zombies. Which is a contradiction.People much like myself will buy this game with the understanding they are going to be getting shambling hordes of dead "Zombies" and start playing to find they are sprinting athlete infected living. So what are they? dead zombies? or infected living? if they are the latter than the mod needs a title change to Infected or something as there are no Zombies in this game at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Davidson 0 Posted July 5, 2012 hmm, how do real zombies act? Like in movies or in left 4 dead? I guess no one can tell.So we can make them however we want. A good way to make the game more terrifying is to change the acting of the Z's.The walker should not be that fast but real tanks, only get killed quick with headshots, 2 or 3 bullets in the head - 8 to 12 in the body, and limbs, hmpf, no effect. To make it more difficult to hit them, change the animation, when they come closer let them sway more like a drunken seaman, upper torso and head allways in motion, but let them come straight, the shortest way.On the other side it could be possible that you also meet walker who can be really swiftly like raging furys, but don't take that much bullets before they fall.The "monkeys" should not be that noisy, more sneaky with a stretchy slow animaton, propably from a chameleon and able to chase you by making leaps of 2 or 3 mtrs.And last but not least the crawlers, they should act like traps or mines. Just lay on the ground seems to be dead and if you come to close they attack you with a hissing sound, that alerts other Z's, crawling that fast, the only way to get away from them is to run, much like a crocodile. Perhaps they could make you fall with their attack and they follow you as long as you are in their sigth.And yeah, all three kind of Z's should spawn everywhere, of course still most in the city.And isn't that hard enough you can mind about infections that turns you into a zombie and the only way to get rid of it is an injection in your spinal cord, what of course can't be done by yourself.The threat of creeping zombies, the increasing ammu need and the possibility to be infected should ensure that players team up. Because a single player has not as much ammunition slots and still no eyes in his back.sorry, bad english i guess u will get what i mean. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Private Poptarts 23 Posted July 5, 2012 So what are they? dead zombies? or infected living? if they are the latter than the mod needs a title change to Infected or something as there are no Zombies in this game at all.The word "zombie" is quite an umbrella term that has subcategories. Kind of like the word "guns", a rifle isn't the same as a pistol but you can use the word for both of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lupusxiii 2 Posted July 6, 2012 the confusion about the zombie behavior is caused by the missing of a proper explanation i dont know waht rocket has in mind how exactly the ZApocalyps startet but i will try to give a bit vary of how it could be caused first we have do differ between real undead wich are made by necromancy and have a potential unlimeted power and the infectet wich are either reanimatet corpses (like the dawn of the dead or resident evil zombis) or infectet living (wich is most likely the one we encounter in DayZ) for this kind there several possible explanation i only tell the most reasonable in my opinon for now wich is based on the Ophiocordyceps unilateralis its a parasitic shroom that infect ants and alters there behavior the shroom takes full control over the ants movement and perception theroretical a similar organism could affect humans it would significantly alter the personality the host wouldnt decay like the old fashioned zombie it rather would become "simple" the perception would be reduced to the basics nearly no interpretation of sensual data the olfactory sense would higly possible the prime sense cause it would indicate pray on a few key substances like co² from breath and butyric acid from sweat the visual sense only would be used to avoid obstacles using visualdata from a foreign organism would need an impresiv amount of cognitiv capacity the phisical abillitys of the host wouldnt decrase even incrase slightly cause of the dumping of stress hormones the hunt of other live forms had two reasons nutriton of the host to keep him alive while the parasite feeds from the host and reproduce of the parasite this is my personal explaination of the dayZ zombis hope u like it and find it reasonable Share this post Link to post Share on other sites