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DayZ First Murders - Spawning Into A S**T Storm

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So finally after DayZ started working today, I got excited and got back into game, I logged out in a barn to have some lunch, this is what occurred as I logged back in.

***Story Time***

So I spawned into a barn near Zelenogorsk. I had a rough idea of where I intended to go after lunch, and was looking forward to my solo trod through Chernarus.

As I spawned in, I heard gunshots frighteningly close by, so immediately I made my way to the top floor of the barn, as I knew it had a small circular window to look out from. As I looked out I seen 2 survivors fighting zombies. I pondered whether or not to open fire, but quickly decided they may not be friendly, so I picked up my M16 and opened fire. Small opening in which I smashed through bullets, they had no idea what hit them, especially with them having to fight off Zombies. I then rattled off a few more rounds into their bodies to ensure they were not going to get back up.

With my heart pounding, I took a sigh of relief, crisis averted, but was I wrong.....

Again I heard another gun shot, and I know those 2 guys I just killed were not alone. Remembering one of those guys I killed had a ghillie suit, I knew they were geared up.

I held my position at the window, at the top of the barn, If my friends were shot in the open near a barn, I would automatically take cover in the barn nearby, and I suspected they would do the same.

One entered and walked towards the other end of the barn to me, I caught him off guard and rattled 6-8 M16 shells into him. Hearing footsteps another guy was walking up the stairs near my direction, thankfully I got him in the back before he caught sight of me, another ghillie guy.

At this moment my heart was racing, nerves breaking and adrenaline pumping, I held my position and waited on more guys to come. One other guy managed to make his way into the barn, following the exact same route and pattern as his fellow ghillie friend. He spotted me before I fired but he never got a shot off, He dropped like the rest of his fallen comrades.

3 bodies lay in front of me, spurting with blood. Happened so fast I was amazed to be still alive. I looked through their bags and proceeded to check the 2 bodies outside for loot. Checking through their gear a shot went off and whizzed past my head, so I did what I did best, hide in the fricken barn.

The guy must have been a friend of their group who was slacking behind, he came into the barn and shot directly at the place I killed his friends form. I finished the last of my clip into him, he was the only one to get a shot off at me, and all of them missed.

I found myself in a state of shock, and awe, and genuinely felt happy to be alive (even though it's just a game).

Note: Tried to write this so that it's at least slightly interesting to read, if you read it all, Kudos! Appreciated.

***Now for some loot details + Images***


My cunning window shot

1 + 2: Ghillie suit, GPS, CZ550, Camo Clothing, M4A1


3/4/5: 3 + 5 combat logged, so no idea what they had on them. 4 Had Ghillie suit, GPS, CZ550, Bizon SD, M9 SD


6: M1911 < he seemed the 'runt' of the pack, slower than others, and clearly under-equipped.

Other losses: Tonne of CZ 550 Ammo, M1911 ammo, food + drink, alice packs, maps, compass, watches, other assorted tools.

What this has taught me from DayZ is a few things;

1) NEVER log out inside a barn or other high value areas that people will check.

2) Shoot first, ask questions later. Every Man (woman) for them-self.

3) The important one I learned, if your working as a team, communicate, if those guys had of communicated, they would have survived. 6 Men should easily take on 1 person, especially someone who has only been playing for 2 days.

Wrote this for my 'first-impression' blog @http://www.mgc-home.com/entry.php?33-DayZ-First-Murders-Spawning-Into-A-S**T-Storm

and thought I would share it here.

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Good work man! Another lesson you should add up there is the value of a fortified position. You took those dummies out and they had no clue where you were nor could they shoot at you easily. Keep up the banditry, hope you loot lasts you a while

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Great story, wrote it very well:). I really like how the guys just looked at you and didn't shoot at you, he was probably trying to type "Friendly" in the chat lol. Good work thought I'm very happy there's screenshots. All around good work:)

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  'TJTheNotSoSane said:

Excellent story' date=' also Albatros great Southland Tales quote!


Southland Tales quote? Did I manage to quote it without realising or am I mistaken to your reference?

In general, I didn't give those guys a chance, they didn't show up as any bandits killed, but at the end of the day, 6 v 1 I doubt they would have took the diplomatic route and let me live.

Also the UT sounds would have fitted in nicely, would have made a great video if I had fraps running

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Good job! I've played for many hours and never managed something like that.

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Good kills, great story.. I never get "Bandit kills" too, only "Murders" but it's best to kill them because they always kill you back, they're potential bandits :)

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Today another 'interesting' thing happened to me and a friend on DayZ, I know im not the best writer and people prefer videos, but would anyone give me a '+1' or a 'yes' to writing more 'detailed and interesting read' DayZ stories? I've always had a thing for writing, and would like to know if anyone would have an interest in me writing some more if they like? Videos are good and I could do those though, But I feel videos lack the 'creativity' and language to detail a story.

Just a general question, i've done some writing in the past and would like to know if anyone would like me to perhaps continue this with interesting stories, not a 'today I walked here and found this', or 'I killed him' something interesting, personal etc...

Not sure, could use some pointers, but if anyone enjoys the read, and would like me to write more (and more detailed/interesting) please reply here or pm me. I'd like to know if people will read my stuff before I write, and of course, I will make them more interesting.

Just a thought, and thanks for positive/negative criticism.

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Sure! I like reading threads with interesting encounters like these.

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Nice story and even better shooting. I look forward to more of these threads too, as Im about to join ingame in a few hours for the first time :)

Can't wait for it.

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