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what in the f%8k is going on!?!?

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So i been playing about a hour today and some really messed up stuff is going on with my character. First i spawn into a tree and i cant move. it just says cancel action. so i do and it kills me then when i hit respawn it boots me from the server and i log back into it since its my home server. then when i spawn back in my character is back. so i figured it was just a dayz glitch what ever. then im running to my base and i notice my game is freezing every 30 seconds or so. then finally i get to my base and 3 of my tents are missing but i know no one found them because my svd and winni and my ghilli suit are all still in my tents. so im sitting there waiting in a bush and i see one of my tents just vanish. then i log out thinking maybe its my graphics card and another tent is missing.....wtf is going on.



literally right after i posted this i log in have a 10 second respawn timer and that thing were i cant move happend again and i died hoping i get my gear back again...

Edited by trankin

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