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Game suddenly extremely slow.

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Hi there lucky survivors of the zombie apocalypse ...

I bought this game around a week ago now, and have been playing with the highest settings completely fine with no FPS drops or other lag issues, 

However I went on today to play and the game is barely responding to me, the main menu takes minutes to realise ive even hovered over an option it has become that slow .. 

Every single element of the game is freezing and I havent even been able to get into a server to see if it applies to gameplay too! 

here is what I have tried in an attempt to fix the issue ... 

- All settings to lowest possible options (No Change)
- Resolution and incrementally lower op[tions (No Change)
- Verifying Steam Files (No Change)
- Testing internet speeds (No Change, despite a solid 17MBPS) 

So at a loss with it all, and love the alpha so really dont want this to be a game breaking scenario!

Open to all suggestions!

Thank you, 


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Have you tried another game to make sure it is in fact DayZ and not a hardware failure of some type? Have you tried simply rebooting your pc (possible memory leak??) and seeing if that solves your issue? Also try a virus protection program like malwarebytes if you haven't already. Your internet speed shouldn't affect how the menus of DayZ load. Please list your CPU, RAM, and hard drive information. If you can, take a screenshot of your task manager while DayZ is running in the background. Make sure you are on the performance tab of the task manager, and feel free to start the resource monitor for the screenshot as well just in case none of the above fix your problem

Edited by JBURNS489

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Thanks JBURNS489 for the swift reply there, 

As requested 


Intel Core i5-3470 CPU @3.20GHZ

Nvidia Geforce GTX 675MX



It is worth noting that since giving up on DayZ for the day I have played both FarCry 4 and The Witcher 3 on 'High' Settings with no issue whatsoever ...

My computer runs most games fine with no issues on high settings, and until today DayZ has had no issues at high video options, there have been no new hardware or software installations



Thanks again, 


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To be honest I am not sure what the problem could be...The only thing I can think of is to check your RAM or hard drive for errors. If you have Windows, click start, run, and type in memroy and run the windows memory diagnostic tool. I honestly doubt that is the issue though since other games are running okay, but DayZ is heavily reliant on your CPU. I initially thought your CPU could be thermal throttling, but I doubt it with a max load of 63%. Check temps if you can anyway just to be safe...Your GPU tells me you are using a notebook, possibly even a Mac OS. If I were you, I would try a reinstall of DayZ, or wait for a moderator or someone who knows more about it to respond. Keep this thread updated if you figure it out though, because others may have the same issue :)

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Also forgot to mention ...

My mouse is extremely unresponsive on all menus across the game (not an issue elsewhere)

And when I finally managed to circumnavigate the menus with my mouse, my character looks around seemingly with free will and movement is extremely laggy. 



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Will do,

Thanks a lot for your help dude! Its appreciated! 

p.s. Im using an Imac 27" with bootcamp , a sin I know, but one shall do what he must to game! 

Edited by Indisus
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I had to look up what Boot Camp was lol...I am not a mac guy. I am almost 100% certain there is a driver issue somewhere though. Check to see if anything automatically updated anything recently, and if it has, try to roll it back. If not, do a fresh re install of DayZ and hopefully that fixes it. 

Edited by JBURNS489
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