kid18120 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Hey guys,i'm here to introduce me and a friend of mine (we team up in DAYZ World and plan together our moves/objectives).My character's name is Archer, my friend's Ivano, we are both from Italy and mostly play on daylight servers due to the poor night-time equipment we have at the moment.Speaking for myself, i'm mostly a friendly player, i usually shout "friendly survivor" over the voice chat or at least type in the direct comm channel, if there are other players nearby.I usually don't kill other unless forced to (lower your weapon or you'll be shot, stuffs like that), not the same behaviour with bandits tough.We have been killed too many times by bandits to not even try to be friendly with 'em.My friend is mostly the same oriented on the gameplay style, friendly and helpfull with other survivors.We mostly try to avoid being seen at all by anyone (zeds, survivors or bandits, no difference) and always roam for some goods.We both love roleplaying on DAYZ, so we take breaks from walking around and such.Well, that's enough talking i guess ! :DOne last thing, i want to thank the DAYZ Dev team for their great work, both web side and game engine's side.Keep it up guys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paraguin 1 Posted July 3, 2012 I gave up trying to be friendly. I shoot on site now :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elias (DayZ) 57 Posted July 3, 2012 Welcome, great to see you. Day-z is a great mod, I hope that you'll have a lot of fun playing it!Nice that you can team up with your friend, it wil definitly boost your chances for survival. And it's really fun to play with people you know (or get to know ingame).Hope you'll both have a good time! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grumpy Monkey 396 Posted July 3, 2012 Have fun mate. Lucky you got a friend to play with. Im sure that will help you a bit when facing the learning curve.Im new aswell and at the beginning i had some problems facing the mean world of DayZ as a lone wolf. If thats the case with you (and your friend) dont be demotivated, because learning your way around the game will pay off and you and your friend will have a lot of fun.There are some realy nice surprizes waiting for you.If you see a player called Grumpy Monkey in the countryside 9 times of out 10 he will be friendly unless you sneak up on him with a AK47 or such. :DMaybe see you in the game and have fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kid18120 0 Posted July 4, 2012 Yeah playing with a friend it's way better than lone wolfing (did it my first 2 days in DAYZ).4 eyes are better than 2, the same for 2 rifles being better than 1 !Hope to meet some of you in the field (hopefully not dead :P ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zarfir 2 Posted July 4, 2012 Looking for players for New group/clanhey i want to start a new surviver group/clan. looking for muture players 18+ and guys/girls from EU TZ. goal is to set up a camp get cars/heli,s and i got a TS server for coms. add me on Steam if your interested so we can get a talk. user name is Gummibear17 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 8 Posted July 4, 2012 I play with anything between 2-5 other mates from Quake/CS where we all originated, some of us going back 10-12 years. Even though its a lot of fun in numbers and scouting and cleaning loot out of the big North West Military base being fun, i cant help but feel my enjoyment of this game is x10 when you are 'lone wolf' as they call it. Tonight i am going to do a few hours on my own as last night we got a little careless in numbers and all but one (me inc) ended up dead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites