ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted July 3, 2012 Quit taking realism into account. its a fucking video game where there are no 'real' stakes. People change their attitudes when their own life becomes in jeapordy. This is a game where there are no real stakes. In a 'real' situation' date=' things change. Its also stupid to argue what people would do... because no one really knows.[/quote']Yet, we're supposed to establish an artificial punishment system based on real-world, present day standards of morality and law.How nice of you to defeat your own argument for us.Not that you had one to start with, but still.Good stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PinkTaco24 10 Posted July 3, 2012 I hate to stir up some shit with Pink' date=' but weren't you spouting out how you liked the game for a mechanic that felt more "realistic"? Honestly, I was hoping to find some witty retorts from people, but that doesn't seem to be a possibility.Pink's thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=25077I'm beginning to think you are only here to whine about being pked and are luring a bunch of people into your sulk.[hr']KWilt- you can loot from people's backpacks near you =) I haven't done it or had it done to me, since I travel with friends but we are constantly sharing our backpacks with each other.You might be the biggest fail troll ever.Please explain to me how starting with a weapon needing tweaked is related to rampant shoot on sight deathmatch style play this game has devolved to. Come on man... really? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KWilt 157 Posted July 3, 2012 KWilt- you can loot from people's backpacks near you =) I haven't done it or had it done to me' date=' since I travel with friends but we are constantly sharing our backpacks with each other.[/quote']Was that in response to the 'rob people' idea I had?Yeah, that's always a possibility. But chances are, someone's going to try and play smart while you're searching their backpack and whip out that pistol they were hiding. Then, while you're sorting through their gear, suddenly BANG BANG "Say what again, motherfucker" BANG.Although, I suppose you could try and force them to equip their flashlight... hmm... I think I may have just found a new game to play with my captured prey. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PinkTaco24 10 Posted July 3, 2012 Yet' date=' we're supposed to establish an artificial punishment system based on real-world, present day standards of morality and law.[/quote']Who said anything about this system being based on real world present day standards of morality and law?Maybe you should stop making stupid assumptions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KWilt 157 Posted July 3, 2012 You might be the biggest fail troll ever.Please explain to me how starting with a weapon needing tweaked is related to rampant shoot on sight deathmatch style play this game has devolved to. Come on man... really?I think he's asking about the realism argument you held in that topic, but seem to deny in this one.But then again, you're notorious of not reading half the things other post (including yourself, here, apparently), so I can forgive you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PinkTaco24 10 Posted July 3, 2012 Although' date=' I suppose you could try and force them to equip their flashlight... hmm... I think I may have just found a new game to play with my captured prey.[/quote']and people might actually comply rather than just shooing you outright with a flag system in place.way to argue my side after arguing so hard against it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
albinorhino 174 Posted July 3, 2012 I spawn fresh on a beach. I enter a town and am immediatly killed by a sniper in a ghuillie suit sitting a mile away on a hill. He suffers no penalty for killing an unarmed and defenceless new survivor who only has a bandage and a pack of painkillers on him.I spawn fresh again and am killed by a gang of PKers roaming the beach looking for fresh spawns to kill. They suffer no penalty yet completely destroy any reason to continue playing.A few days go buy and I spawn again. I enter a small town and am confronted by a player with Russian accrylic in his name, He starts screaming at me over voip then immediatly kills me. He suffers no penalty yet once again my desire to continue playing has been badly damaged.This game is just a glorified deathmatch and until some form of penalty is introduced to stop pricks from going out of their way to ruin the game for others will continue to be nothing BUT a glorified deathmatch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Never 237 Posted July 3, 2012 Yet' date=' we're supposed to establish an artificial punishment system based on real-world, present day standards of morality and law.[/quote']Who said anything about this system being based on real world present day standards of morality and law?Maybe you should stop making stupid assumptions.You seem to have missed my post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PinkTaco24 10 Posted July 3, 2012 You might be the biggest fail troll ever.Please explain to me how starting with a weapon needing tweaked is related to rampant shoot on sight deathmatch style play this game has devolved to. Come on man... really?I think he's asking about the realism argument you held in that topic' date=' but seem to deny in this one.But then again, you're notorious of not reading half the things other post (including yourself, here, apparently), so I can forgive you.[/quote']I don't know why everyone is jumping on this stupid fucking 'realism' bandwagon.its a game mechanic to enhance gameplay. like finding bullets in an outhouse. There are some things in video games that add to a realistic aspect. There are others that are core 'gameplay' mechanics. Totally separate. How the fuck can you people not see this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted July 3, 2012 Who said anything about this system being based on real world present day standards of morality and law?Okay. If your system isn't based on that, what's it based on? The Bible? The Koran? What makes killing inherently wrong if not present day standards of morality? What makes a person "innocent" if not present day standards of law?Help me out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 191 Posted July 3, 2012 As an example' date=' if someone held a revolver to the back of your head with only 1 bullet, and pulled the trigger every time you murdered and innocent in dayz(russian roulette style). would you be so willing to shoot them?[/quote']What the fuck are you talking about?If every time you went to the toilet a small kitten got stamped on would you still go for a wee wee? If every time you scratched your balls a vice tightened on them would you let the itch persist? Those make about as much sense as the crap you just typed.You know what, I probably wouldn't risk my real head to kill some pixels. But I do risk my month old pixel head every damn day, I'm not some alt+f4 ranger either. There is genuine risk in this game -- The sooner he fixes people being able to disconnect, the sooner you get rid of the xlogging chicken shits taking pot shots at the coast and logging when it doesn't go their way. But I can tell you something I would risk my real head for, if the world went tits up and there were no rules or laws and I came across your moaning ass I'd probably skin you and wear you like a jacket as I rode around on a bike ringing my bell.Mark your little star of David on me and outcast me for killing people if you want, your system is flawed, moronic and counter productive though -- It wouldn't effect me either. But what's at the heart of things is you're too useless to avoid getting killed. I've died more to glitches than players -- They're not hard to avoid, I kill idiots on a daily basis for being idiots and not being careful. I would think they'd learn from their mistakes, but they instead come to moan on the forum and demand game changes to artificially impose humanity (Read: Actually impose a utopian 'human' idealism which simply would not exist) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KWilt 157 Posted July 3, 2012 Although' date=' I suppose you could try and force them to equip their flashlight... hmm... I think I may have just found a new game to play with my captured prey.[/quote']and people might actually comply rather than just shooing you outright with a flag system in place.way to argue my side after arguing so hard against it.I'm talking about the current game system... not the one you want to employ...Wut. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PinkTaco24 10 Posted July 3, 2012 Who said anything about this system being based on real world present day standards of morality and law?Okay. If your system isn't based on that' date=' what's it based on? The Bible? The Koran? What makes killing inherently wrong if not present day standards of morality? What makes a person "innocent" if not present day standards of law?Help me out.[/quote']Its based on making the game not devolve into a system of simple deathmatch shoot on sight gameplay. By adding a risk to killing random people for no reason. Why in the fuck, do I even have to explain this? AT ALL.Even if it was some 'moral' design. WHO CARES. It fixes the issue of stopping mindless kill on sight deathmatch play. Nice ignore of my other shooters that allow you to survive for extended lengths btw. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KWilt 157 Posted July 3, 2012 Hey look! Looking over the last page, he ignored my post again!Success! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
doitonlan 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Oh, that's right you can't loot their rifles my bad! Those would probably be the most coveted items that a person has too, but if you think about it it wouldn't make sense to be able to take their rifle without some brute force.Pink- I'm not going to engage with someone who isn't really going to evaluate what anyone brings up and simply insults and repeats statements that aren't tangible to the retort. You are far more qualified to beat me in a shallow argument such as what you are trying to tempt people to engage in. If you want to have a discussion about this: 1. drop the insults and ad hominem attacks 2. fully evaluate and respond to people rather than repeat a previously used phrase that does not pertain to what has been stated 3. get your head out of your ass, drop the superiority complex, and talk to people as equals. Otherwise, you can go fuck yourself because I will ignore you from here on out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PinkTaco24 10 Posted July 3, 2012 Although' date=' I suppose you could try and force them to equip their flashlight... hmm... I think I may have just found a new game to play with my captured prey.[/quote']and people might actually comply rather than just shooing you outright with a flag system in place.way to argue my side after arguing so hard against it.I'm talking about the current game system... not the one you want to employ...Wut.No shit sherlock. So let me re-iterate with clarification since you didn't get it the first time.and people might actually comply(WITH MY SYSTEM) rather than just shooing you outright(LIKE IN THE CURRENT SYSTEM) with a flag system in place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted July 3, 2012 [They're not hard to avoid' date= I kill idiots on a daily basis for being idiots and not being careful. I would think they'd learn from their mistakes, but they instead come to moan on the forum and demand game changes to artificially impose humanity (Read: Actually impose a utopian 'human' idealism which simply would not exist)You and I are of a like mind. I shall monitor your contributions to the forum henceforth.Its based on making the game not devolve into a system of simple deathmatch shoot on sight gameplay. By adding a risk to killing random people for no reason. Why in the fuck' date=' do I even have to explain this? AT ALL.[/quote']You could start by explaining why you keep saying that when the game hasn't devolved into a system of simple deathmatch shoot on sight gameplay. You're trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.The 4th time I think I've brought it up and probably the 4th time you'll ignore me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
duddbudda 33 Posted July 3, 2012 if your attitude to advice is anything to go by, I can surmise, pinko, that you do not want to learn from experience, assess risk vs reward, scout, seek the safety of numbers or do x or y or z necessary for survivalwhich means, pinko, that you do not want to play DayZ; if the gruelling, often uneventful, tasks that must be undertaken to ward against failure do not appeal to you then don't force yourselfan analogy: I like Vector Lovers, you do not - if I go to see Vector Lovers perform I do not expect to see you thereshould you attend, it would be bad form to demand your beloved Bob the Builder songsstop demanding Bob the mothersuckling Builder, we're here for Genevieve Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KWilt 157 Posted July 3, 2012 Although' date=' I suppose you could try and force them to equip their flashlight... hmm... I think I may have just found a new game to play with my captured prey.[/quote']and people might actually comply rather than just shooing you outright with a flag system in place.way to argue my side after arguing so hard against it.I'm talking about the current game system... not the one you want to employ...Wut.No shit sherlock. So let me re-iterate with clarification since you didn't get it the first time.and people might actually comply(WITH MY SYSTEM) rather than just shooing you outright(LIKE IN THE CURRENT SYSTEM) with a flag system in place.So what does that have to do with me forcing people to switch to their flashlight?Because if I was in that situation, if I had the chance to shoot, I'd probably take it. They're getting all my items anyways, live or dead. If I got a bandit skin for defending myself, then you're, once again, being counter-intuitive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PinkTaco24 10 Posted July 3, 2012 Pink- I'm not going to engage with someone who isn't really going to evaluate what anyone brings up and simply insults and repeats statements that aren't tangible to the retort. You are far more qualified to beat me in a shallow argument such as what you are trying to tempt people to engage in. If you want to have a discussion about this: 1. drop the insults and ad hominem attacks 2. fully evaluate and respond to people rather than repeat a previously used phrase that does not pertain to what has been stated 3. get your head out of your ass' date=' drop the superiority complex, and talk to people as equals. Otherwise, you can go fuck yourself because I will ignore you from here on out.[/quote']I'm talking to people exactly how they are talking to me.I'm repeating my statements because no one seems to be reading a single fucking word I'm typing. The only people with the superiority complex are the assholes trying to argue free reign deathmatch play. Their complex is being challenged with an idea that flags them criminal for their actions and they DON'T LIKE IT. I'm not the one with the complex, they are.You could start by explaining why you keep saying that when the game hasn't devolved into a system of simple deathmatch shoot on sight gameplay. You're trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.The 4th time I think I've brought it up and probably the 4th time you'll ignore me.Because it DOES exist. You are just too blind to see it. The irony of course being the fact you partake in shoot on sight behavior CONSISTENTLY and have openly admitted to it.I literally have no words for that amount of stupidity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JustThatEpic 72 Posted July 3, 2012 If you think about it... Loot is the only reason anyone actually DOES playerkill... I was playing and I was in need of food and water, I met a guy, I let him clear the barn we were going into, we looted it, and I killed him. It could be deathmatch, or just instinct. You can avoid all of it just by not trusting anyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted July 3, 2012 criminalCriminals? Like people who commit crimes?Crime is the breach of rules or laws for which some governing authority (via mechanisms such as legal systems) can ultimately prescribe a conviction.I thought you just got done saying this wasn't about imposing law?Maybe if you didn't constantly contradict yourself people might be able to construct a more cogent argument against you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PinkTaco24 10 Posted July 3, 2012 So what does that have to do with me forcing people to switch to their flashlight?in the current system, you'd never get close enough to tell them to switch. You would already be dead or have killed them. its shoot on sight remember? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted July 3, 2012 Because it DOES exist. You are just too blind to see it. The irony of course being the fact you partake in shoot on sight behavior CONSISTENTLY and have openly admitted to it.I never admitted to any such thing; nor do I play that way. I have probably killed fewer than 10 people' date=' mostly justified, in the last ~55 days.The game is not a deathmatch. Cherno and Elektro may be deathtraps but move on and get out and the game resembles a deathmatch about as much as it resembles a city building simulation.I literally have no words for that amount of stupidity.Well you used so many words up on your own stupidity I'm not surprised you don't have any left over for mine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PinkTaco24 10 Posted July 3, 2012 criminalCriminals? Like people who commit crimes?Crime is the breach of rules or laws for which some governing authority (via mechanisms such as legal systems) can ultimately prescribe a conviction.I thought you just got done saying this wasn't about imposing law?Maybe if you didn't constantly contradict yourself people might be able to construct a more cogent argument against you?bandit/criminal/murderer WHATEVER you want to call it.LOLOLOLOL wow man.all you got is semantic arguments now? you are just cherry picking because you got nothing left. Or just trying to be a dipshit. leave this thread already.I never admitted to any such thing; nor do I play that way. I have probably killed fewer than 10 people' date=' mostly justified, in the last ~55 days.[/quote']is that so?[They're not hard to avoid' date= I kill idiots on a daily basis for being idiots and not being careful. I would think they'd learn from their mistakes, but they instead come to moan on the forum and demand game changes to artificially impose humanity (Read: Actually impose a utopian 'human' idealism which simply would not exist)openly admitting to 'killing idiots because they are idiots.' care to try again?You and I are of a like mind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites