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Sanity meter re envisioned (long post)

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fact: the numbers on player deaths (which unfortunately are down currently) show murder to be the cause maybe 20% of time at best

it's almost as if pvp isn't nearly the issue that people claim it is

While it is sensible to confirm with statistics...the fact of the matter is...those statistics are drastically flawed since "respawning" and spawning with no weapon sort of make the statistics moot.

NOW if there was a statistic or ratio describing the outcome of what happens when other players see one another (do they leave' date='shoot,stalk) ya then i would like to see those statistics...but ya its even been said that people shouldn't respawn since that lowers that little "average life" timer thing plus the whole no starting weapon probably lowered the human on human death a tad no doubt but ya that is that i guess.

Out of curiosity do you know the statistical percentage of human on human death between the bandit skin removal up until the point where starting weapons were taken away? That would be interesting to see.


More than punishing the players who kill players constantly maybe they should discourage dying repeatedly. Like if a player dies x amount of times in 1 hour their respawning would be blocked globally for another hour. Not maybe the best set of time but the general idea of punishing repeated deaths is something I'd love to see. This would also make people do less respawns at start in order to get better starting spot. Or simply increase death timer so after dying it will take some 30 minutes before you can respawn. Maybe even add a mechanic where if a friend secures your remainings or something you could respawn immediately encouraging teamwork even more and really hurting those lone wolf deathmatchers who die really often

Yaaaaa see that whole respawn timer idea...while good is naive...no offense in fact it would just worsen the game...why?

Simple people are assholes in fact the already bandits would just try harder knowing they would really suck it to another person knowing the person they killed had to wait and hour possibly to spawn...you know trolling....it disturbs me to know that is true...ive seen it in other games and it played the out just like i described...people WANT to hurt others...

The friend corpse recovery kind of already exists when my buddies are sniped...they DC and they call on help we then head towards them...its still a small game of hide and seek and its not 100% guaranteed to save them...but it allows for a chance...ive said in another post PVP should be close up ...if they know people will just DC after getting sniped...you better get good at aim, learn to double tap, or be a man and get in their face so they dont have time to log out.

It may appear im "shooting" down ideas...but im just being real plus they have all been brought up and there are always flaws...i wish someone would state the flaws in my system...since all ive heard is whining how there is an APPEARANCE of punishment when all it is, is a DETERRENT.


Your respawn punishment is no different than "punishing" or really just "lessening" PVP....funny thing is all the topics dealing with "PUNISHING" PVP honestly the word PUNISH is being used too damn much since the solutions people come up with to PVP aren't even close to something like re spawn timers i think the most BRUTAL punishment idea for PVP ive seen was something like not allowing them to shoot or something....for a set time while unfair and silly not to mention unrealistic it was still not as bad as the "no respawn for hours" idea...just furthering my perception that bandits are nothing but spoiled little children who think that they should have everything they want and for it to never change....the word compensation, fairness, balance and above all CHANGE is never to be uttered.

Off topic...no wonder the rest of the world views gamers as immature and childlike...when there is nothing but strife on every subject....then again the rest of the world can suck a nut since they are the same way.

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The flaw in your system is that it creates impairing effects for actions that do not have impairing effects in the equivalent situation in real life. If as a serial killer I kill a person, I'd get a buzz off of it. If as a battle hardened sniper I get my 100th kill, I probably wouldn't feel a thing yet still I'd be one of the most aware person in that battle (no impairments to be found).

The effects you described are highly situational and couldn't be applied as is without an intense psychological evaluation test of the player before starting your game. Too many variables and well, you have to face it, vast majority of people are sane. Even if opportunistic and cowards, they still are as sane as they come.

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The flaw in your system is that it creates impairing effects for actions that do not have impairing effects in the equivalent situation in real life. If as a serial killer I kill a person' date=' I'd get a buzz off of it. If as a battle hardened sniper I get my 100th kill, I probably wouldn't feel a thing yet still I'd be one of the most aware person in that battle (no impairments to be found).

The effects you described are highly situational and couldn't be applied as is without an intense psychological evaluation test of the player before starting your game. Too many variables and well, you have to face it, vast majority of people are sane. Even if opportunistic and cowards, they still are as sane as they come.


Perception is key, anyway here is a scenario...there is too much of something, and that something is disallowing another thing from being of any use....what do you do?

Understand this the "psychology" is merely a means to an end for the whiners who NEED realism.

As i said once and now twice, There will be no way to lessen pointless killing unless some game play mechanic is added. Also if you think about it killing would still be easier than coop since you would still just need to kill others....coop takes TIME while pvp is still the quickest and easiest option (this is how games usually do "good" and bad" good takes more time/effort while bad is easier/quicker) it is just not AS easy so once again i just stated how it is NOT unbalance it is only unbalanced because the majority of players WISH it to be since it changes what they know and love...which is just obnoxious.

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It's a bad idea.

The purpose and the "cool" of the system isn't the system itself. Not even the purpose of the system is cool as it would cater to one side of the player base and almost completely would destroy solo gaming.

Once you come up with something that's cool alone and also solves the player killing then kewlbeans.

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I for one, love your suggestions. It kind of punishes PvPers tho, coz you cant loot their victims anymore. That needs to be addressed a little bit. Otherwise, people will kill ,give blood, kill,wait. Just because they have to, not because they want to.That makes it a more unrealistic.

Maybe they should still be able to get loot. But I love the fact that people start looking like zombies to PvPyers. And imo, your rewards for being together are pretty good.

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I agree with you Slyguy65, i know that is a matter of gaming style but the way we are playing today i'd rather stay with real life where we already have enough cheaters, liers and evil people. I don't have problem with PvP, but when you try to play clean you are in a great disadvantage in this MOD. I think we need something to balance that like you said. The fact is that it's easier to be a bandit than good guys in this MOD. You hide at somewhere close to the killzone and target the fresh ones looking for loot! I got say that i was tempted to be bandit but I want some challenge and sticked to good guys.

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If you want this game to remain "sandbox" you can't change mechanics to encourage or discourage either side. The choice is up to the player, therefore our problems are up to the players to solve as a whole. You don't like bandits? Kill those motherfuckers. You want that unarmed survivors bandages? Shoot him. It's as simply as that. In order to change pvp, players as a whole need to change. Form armies, or a police force like the regulators. Don't just try to play the game like, I hope I don't run into a bandit and pretend they don't exist until you get sniped. You have to put some time into your strategy. Take a lesson from them, play more tactically. You may do a little better. Don't question your judgement when you're aiming at that towelhead.

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there's no punishment required for anyone's playstyle. death is the only punishment. for everybody. i hate when players try to change game systems to their favor. the dayz world would be boring-as-hell without all those bandits.

so, bandits and serial killers: THANKS for being there and makeing my dayz-day more thrilling.

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i am looking for BALANCE

There's your problem. You're looking for balance in a game that shouldn't be balanced.

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there's no punishment required for anyone's playstyle. death is the only punishment. for everybody. i hate when players try to change game systems to their favor. the dayz world would be boring-as-hell without all those bandits.

so, bandits and serial killers: THANKS for being there and makeing my dayz-day more thrilling.

AGREED, Start punishing certain play styles you change the whole concept of the game. The "other" Z is already doing that so perhaps that is a better fit for those who cant handle the wanton banditry.

If you want to make bandits think a bit more before they act only way i can see it fit within the core concept of the game is make survival more in question. Make the zeds more dangerous and reduce ammo drops especially on the high end military weapons.

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