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Question about "paid" for loot

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Hello guys,


I know you are not allowed to sell/trade loot for real money but my question is this, what about if it is not real? Some of my clan members suggested it for our points system. It is a system only for clan members and has no real money value, you can not purchase points with real money or anything like that, you just get them for in-house clan things such as efforts made to welcome new members and participating in clan events.


Anyway I thought this would be the best place to ask.


Thanks :)

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I wouldn't see this being a problem ... in many popular mmos guilds had dkp systems where people could save up raid points to "buy" loot when it dropped at a raid.  I would think if anyone was going to  police this immediately if it were a problem it would be mmo makers.

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Hello guys,


I know you are not allowed to sell/trade loot for real money but my question is this, what about if it is not real? Some of my clan members suggested it for our points system. It is a system only for clan members and has no real money value, you can not purchase points with real money or anything like that, you just get them for in-house clan things such as efforts made to welcome new members and participating in clan events.


Anyway I thought this would be the best place to ask.


Thanks :)

I don't see any harm in that. I mean, there are forum topics where people hand over their gear to other players for whatever reason. As long as it's not a loot shop where profits in real money is the goal (which does not seem to be the case), then it looks kosher to me.

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I don't see any harm in that. I mean, there are forum topics where people hand over their gear to other players for whatever reason. As long as it's not a loot shop where profits in real money is the goal (which does not seem to be the case), then it looks kosher to me.


Thank you SMoss, the guys will be thrilled!

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I was going to ask why can't we sell our gear for real money, it sounds like communism but than I realized Charnarus is probably communis 

Edited by General Zod

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I was going to ask why can't we sell our gear for real money, it sounds like communism but than I realized Charnarus is probably communis 

well, if you read the EULA, or terms of servic, people selling online games normally have a clause saying that "Everything in the game, even if you buy it with real money,

is still technically owned by the game's company"


so, selling stuff from ingame for real money would basically be selling stuff you don't own, aka stealing edit: "Complicated Acquisition" 


it's a very standart concept for games nowadays, so that people can't make profit out of other peoples games,

at least not legally and uncontrolled, hence why gold sellers in games like WoW or any other type like that are considered an offense of the terms of service


i mean, if you had a muffin shop, someone strolls in and buy ALL of your muffins just to sell them for a higher price in your store,

or uses your muffin-making-machines (really stretching the example here) to make muffins themselfes, and sell them at a lower price than yours, would you let them do that?

Edited by Zombo

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 would basically be selling stuff you don't own, aka stealing


I like to call it "Complicated acquisition" 

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