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the future worried me

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Why break the game more than it is!!!!

The pvp become impossible with the weapon jammed, my bullet is pristine, my magazine is pristine my weapon is pristine and jams anyway, I almost lost a clash against a bambi because the weapon jammed for any reason, this game will never be the reality, a bambi who rush with a pick-axis on automatic rifle is no more real,

You talk about fluidity but the server 50 Player's already a disaster (desync, response time), why make 75 slot, the movement already handicapping  player (sway, stamina) why continue on this road, everyone takes no pleasure  camping shelter for an hour or however your mechanical establishment encourages, if I contains games is an alpha but I have the impression that your patch of his idea toss rather than a real roadmap, I begin to understand why dean  hall you left just 1 year after the release of the alpha

(sorry for my bad english im french 30 years not a child ,not rage just a finding )

Edited by dog_patch

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Let me correct a few things for yet another person with this misunderstanding of what DayZ is or Is to become.......


Why break the game more than it is!!!! Its not broken, Its in development ... Which means its not even close to being finished or balanced. 


The pvp become impossible with the weapon jammed, Weapon Jams are a great idea to add more threat level into the pvp aspect of the game. 
Its a new feature and is not finished yet.  BUT idea of the very possibility of a weapon jam coupled with rare ammo are designed to reduce KOS mentality and make the players really think twice before engaging in high risk situations. ( remember the goal is survival , not racking up kill counts ) 

You talk about fluidity but the server 50 Player's already a disaster (desync, response time), why make 75 slot, Has not even been optimized yet. That comes later. If they can make the game even remotely playable at 50-75 players, imagine how smooth it will be once optimized 


the movement already handicapping  player (sway, stamina) why continue on this road, BECAUSE THIS IS NOT CALL OF DUTY.. NOOB


no one takes no pleasure  camping ,building shelters for an hour or however your mechanical establishment encourages, Actually A LOT of people enjoy that aspect of the game. A LOT 


if I contains games is an alpha but I have the impression that your patch of his idea toss rather than a real roadmap, I have no idea what you're saying here 


I begin to understand why dean  hall you left just 1 year after the release of the alpha Uhh , yea he left cause he made shit tons of money when SA launched and thats all he was interested in ... duh 

(sorry for my bad english im french 30 years not a child ,not rage just a finding )

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Let me correct a few things for yet another person with this misunderstanding of what DayZ is or Is to become.......

Zerv... Just let it go, man...these types of guys have not figured all that stuff out and you are just wasting your time.


And to the OP, dog_patch.... If you actually OWN the game and want to trade it away I would be happy to take it off your hands for a reasonable fee.


The fewer disappointed and disgruntled DayZ SA game owners there are the better. Sorry you feel this way, but I understand if you failed to "I Understand".


By the way....Is the ALPA Disclaimer written in a bunch of various global languages (English, French, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Etc.?). It is...Right?...Just curious, because it seems lately there have been a number of rage posts from persons with very limited grasp of the English language. ( and please don't take that as an insult to all the great people who don't speak it...just an honest question).


I will take back what I said about buying your game, dog_patch...as it is not allowed to do so on these forums...but you can probably get something for it on Steam or through other services...again...provided you actually own it.

Edited by TempPhil

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Zervivalist thank you for your analyse but out of your bush and go to cherno and see if it is not cod ,I am in this legitimate games 1500 hour on Dayz SA ,1000h dayz origins, 2000 hour on arma 3 on breaking point not altis child mod I do not think a Noob as you say ,I specified that I take into account that this game was an alpha


I am of the game from the beginning, and I've waited long before he came out,I have disrespected a person, thank you to respect me I remain discreet and patient until now I had to say is that I think (2 years later) the future will prove me right or wrong
I am not a Bambi killer
kos am one of the games survival
I bandit for better or for worse, I'm not sensitive to the point of refuge me on seveur RP
many do not mean everyone !!!!!!

Uhh , yea he left cause he made shit tons of money when SA launched and thats all he was interested in ... duh

bohemia very sure not to take the money  lol this is another topic
never forget that Dean is the origin of the concept
the oldest know, the fight was the essence of the mod Bandit / Hero all comes down to its
Now everyone is free to have his reasoning

TempPhil you do not know me I have great love for Dayz
that is its only now that I speak
do not confuse objective criticism and rage
my goal was not to face the community forum but to say is that I think the staff, a part of the community that has contributed down this game



the GODFATHER sorry but I do not see the interest of this topic
if I do not own to games
im hardcore gamer and when I read your answer I think you have nothing to prove
Everyone interprets the play as he wants.
your way to underestimated anonymous player like me to put your fault light on the ground, I wish you crossed in the game we will have fun I think !!!


Edited by dog_patch

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Why break the game more than it is!!!!

The pvp become impossible with the weapon jammed, my bullet is pristine, my magazine is pristine my weapon is pristine and jams anyway, I almost lost a clash against a bambi because the weapon jammed for any reason, this game will never be the reality, a bambi who rush with a pick-axis on automatic rifle is no more real,

You talk about fluidity but the server 50 Player's already a disaster (desync, response time), why make 75 slot, the movement already handicapping  player (sway, stamina) why continue on this road, everyone takes no pleasure  camping shelter for an hour or however your mechanical establishment encourages, if I contains games is an alpha but I have the impression that your patch of his idea toss rather than a real roadmap, I begin to understand why dean  hall you left just 1 year after the release of the alpha

(sorry for my bad english im french 30 years not a child ,not rage just a finding )


Le future est bon


Le jeu n'est pas cassé


Je comprends,- ca peut être super méga chiant pour n'importe qui, .. mais ...




Edited by pilgrim

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pour t'es video a l'appuis ,j'espert que le future me donnera tord ,j aime profondement se jeux c'est pour sa que je continue mais j'avais besoin de m'exprimer sur le sujet sans denigré personne contrairement a mes homologues plus haut dans le post


Thx for your video has the support, I hope the future will give me wrong, I like to play is deeply for her that I continue but I needed to speak on the subject without denigrates person unlike my counterparts earlier in the post

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- Why break the game more than it is!!!!


- this game will never be the reality, a bambi who rush with a pick-axis on automatic rifle is no more real,


- You talk about fluidity but the server 50 Player's already a disaster (desync, response time),


-  why make 75 slot, the movement already handicapping  player (sway, stamina)


- why continue on this road, everyone takes no pleasure  camping shelter for an hour or however your mechanical establishment encourages,


-  if I contains games is an alpha but I have the impression that your patch of his idea toss rather than a real roadmap,


-  I begin to understand why dean  hall you left just 1 year after the release of the alpha.



Et Viola! Regarde ton pointe!, Je Suis une "realist".

If you do not consider these comments to be "rage-posts" then perhaps your translation is different and we did not fully understand...

If you had stuck with the weapon jamming topic we would have been a lot more sympathetic.


I do hope you choose to continue playing. We need more KOS people like you to make things interesting.

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Moi je suis triste pour l'assassin qui a tiré à bout portant (vidéo en haut).  Bwaah!.. mais LA il l'a vraiment raté son coup

ET l'autre il en a eu de la chance -  c'est impressionnant, pas vrai?



[ = I'm sorry for the assassin (in the last video) who takes his shot at point blank range - Wow!  He so messes it up

And the LUCK of the other guy, , you have to be impressed =  ]


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Is this the part where I chime in on what I feel about COD?

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