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fishing spots

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I've been meaning to try out fishing.  what bodies of water produce fish?  I'm pretty sure the large ones with docks do, but what about others?  streams?  the ocean?  I have both a fishing pole setup and fish traps made and ready.



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And remember each implement you use requires "bait." You can dig up worms with any of the tools you can use to make a garden plot. 


(Not sure if how you bait a fish "net" trap... may not apply).

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And remember each implement you use requires "bait." You can dig up worms with any of the tools you can use to make a garden plot. 


(Not sure if how you bait a fish "net" trap... may not apply).


yeah my hooks are baited.  I think you bait the net traps with guts.  the traps I have are the small ones made from water bottles, though.

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yeah my hooks are baited. I think you bait the net traps with guts. the traps I have are the small ones made from water bottles, though.

Those are sardine traps and can only be used in the ocean ! Where as regular pole fishing can only be done in ponds / lakes (meaning not in the ocean).

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tried several pond-ish bodies of water and the 3rd one let me fish (they have to be a certain size I guess).  caught 4 fish and a pristine pair of wellies XD (seriously) before I exhausted the worms I brought.


and then I shot a cow on the way home.  surf and turf! :-D  almost had a boar too (that woulda been all 3 food groups) but it got away. :-(

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Cast netting is the only way to fish 


Sorry low quality video , but it gets the method across 


if I had netting I could just pay someone to fish for me.  for a month.

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You can fish anywhere. I had a small puddle (about 3x6m) in my old camp back in .55. There were fish in it.

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