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My v3s won't move

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So I found a v3s and it legit wont move...got back tires and front tires also have one for middle...got the glow plug the battery too...its fully fueled and I tried the gears....I think its like stuck in the ground...please help I really want it

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Try taking off all the tires to make sure they are pristine and then put them back on , if that still doesn't work go out of range of the truck (about 1,300 M) and go back to it and see if it moves .. If those fail , try and get someone else to drive it and see if it moves , these three things are little workarounds for when the vehicles are stuck or glitched , hopefully one of them works for you !

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Try this, it worked for me! Good Luck!



- Vehicle is stuck twitching, regardless of the gears: This is a physics bug. First, start detaching all the wheels. Hold the very last wheel on your hand and relog. Proceed to attach that last wheel only. Start up the vehicle and drive with one wheel; it will move slowly. After moving out a bit, stop the vehicle and attach all the wheels back in.



Taken from: https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/3yhm2i/psa_vehicle_manual/

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Please add note, and upvote the existing bug report relevant to this issue.  I started my ticket on the 28th of December, and it still has not even been assigned yet.

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