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"You were kicked off the game" 2 seconds after joining a server

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I've been having problems trying to connect to servers, I get kicked after 2-3 seconds after I join any server, is it vanilla or any other mod. It happens if I try to join through the dayzlauncher, withsix or directly from steam, but I can join servers through the "vanilla dayzmod launcher" with no problems, but theres way too little servers in there and I'm wanting to play epoch. 


It's not the battleye, and I already tried verifying the cache through steam, reinstalling the game, installing dayz through steam, installing through the dayzlauncher all with no results.


I don't know what else I could do, last year I used to play through dayzcommander with no problems.



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UPDATE: I tried playing on a server that my friend was able to join (I couldn't though, got kicked) and he said that when I got kicked a message appeared on the screen about me


"Player (my character name): Wrong signature for file addons/corepatch_a2.pbo"


The way I installed the mod was through Steam, but I I kept getting an error+infinite waiting screen, so I copied the Addons folder from the Arma 2 to OA to fix it.

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Thanks, it's fixed now. It seems like the addons folder was causing this to happen, I reinstalled everything, and the dayz mod manually and now it's ok.

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