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Super map

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Imagine all the maps chernarus, celle, tavi, uetes, Fallujah, Takistan, Nalmask, Thirsk, panthera, oring and podogorsk.all combined into one big map.


Chernarus and celle would make up the main land.

Tavi  and uetes would be up past berzino off the coast.

Fallujah would be set at the other end of the coast behind some mountains.

takistan would be behind Fallujah

Nalmask and Thirsk would be off coast opposite cherno

oring and panthera would be behind tavi and uetes

podogorsk would be thrown in some where.


A massive map where people could travel for days before seeing anyone. vehicles would be rare and so would army grade weapons.

It would take a lot of work but it would easy be the best map in the world.

As I haven't being able to find out all the sizes of the maps to see how big they would all be but it would be absolutely massive making just cause 3's map look minuscule.

super map


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Yeah, the dream of such a massive map in DayZ would be nice. But with today's engines and hardware it's not possible to build a map like this with acceptable frame rates. Maybe in ten years we can think about it but not today;-)

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Only Chernarus, Utes, and Takistan are official maps - the rest are modded maps created in ArmA 2 by different people and used in various unofficial mods, but they're not canon. Besides the engine limitations that come about even trying to extend the map even a tiny amount, the devs simply wouldn't use those maps because they're user created. It was originally planned for Utes to be added off the coast of Chernarus but it was later removed.


Takistan will probably be ported at some point considering that the vast majority of its buildings are already open, and my guess is that popular ones like Namalsk, Taviana, and whatnot will also come through mods, but it's unlikely they'll be implemented as one map.

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