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PROBLEM No show zeroing on Snipers/Rage finder not work

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I have big problem with DayZ, when i start playing, show me message "no entry bin/config.bin/RsclnGameUl.RscWeaponZeroing"

I dont have zeroing on snipers and Rage Finder not work. :@

I use Arma Free + Arma OA (Others player with that game pack dont have problem with zeroing and range finder 100%)

I try to reinstal game but... :(


Error: http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg801/scaled.php?server=801&filename=errorpm.jpg&res=landing

Zeroing: http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg256/scaled.php?server=256&filename=zeroing.png&res=landing

Range Finder: http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg577/scaled.php?server=577&filename=rangefinder.png&res=landing

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4Yqnt5bGfY&feature=youtu.be


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you need to run combined ops and have the latest beta installed

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you need to run combined ops and have the latest beta installed

I have latest beta instaled !

How run combined ops ?

I run game with Beta

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BUmpty fecking bump! had this problem for ages and its only in the last week or so ive been trying to fix it with no avail.


Apart from the colour of the interface, and no zeroing/rangefinder, you also cant see whether your using burst, semi or full.

PLEASE HELP! ive installed a variety of different betas including reinstalling the game, infact the problem started when i first had to use the beta in conjunction with the DayZ updates (1.7 update i think) :(

Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260


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