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Arma2 OA Patch - Session Lost

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I guess everyone has seen that arma2OA patched the other day : https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186695-a2a2oa-patch-18122015/


My test server is no longer working, but my hosted one is ok - go figure. I updated Arma2 and Arma2OA and recopied all of those files to the server directory.


I suspect something with STEAM. In the logs below, I don't ever recall it listing the "Game Port" and "Steam Query Port" before. Also, my server.cfg has them set to 8766 & 27016. So it seems like the config isn't being respected. Also, that ID in the RPT file is usually a GUID and that number is not one. I've had other people try and connect and they get similar bad numbers too. the net of it all is that I try ad connect and get "Session Lost" and disconnect.


12:01:06 Dedicated host created.
12:01:07 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.207)
12:01:07 Host identity created.
12:01:08 Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
12:02:23 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Ski Goggles (xxx.xxx.x.xx:2304) connected
12:02:23 Player Ski Goggles connecting.
12:02:23 Mission DayZMod read from directory.
12:02:25 Player Ski Goggles connected (id=ERROR).
12:02:25 Player Ski Goggles disconnected.
12:02:25 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Ski Goggles disconnected
12:02:25 All users disconnected, waiting for users.
12:01:08 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
12:01:10 Connected to Steam servers
12:02:25 Server error: Player without identity Ski Goggles (id 814250231)



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Try adding this to your Arma2OA launchparameters: "-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2;EXPANSION;CA;@DayZ;"


Then run Arma2OA and find your server by IP (press remote)  in the Arma server browser.


Let me know if it works.

Edited by vinyljunkie

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Try adding this to your Arma2OA launchparameters: "-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2;EXPANSION;CA;@DayZ;"


Then run Arma2OA and find your server by IP (press remote)  in the Arma server browser.


Let me know if it works.


No, still busted. BTW, vinyl, I'm helpthedead walk on reddit - I was going to ping you over there about this....
Anyway, I assume you meant "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2" and not  "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead", right?? AND you meant running the client or server? (I tried it on both).
I did figure out that  if I use "-port=8766" then the gameport does change and the steamqueryport is +1.  Strange thing is that the 2 ports were defined in the server.cfg previously and those were the ones I opened in the router and it was all good until this week after the OA patch.
This is how I was launching the server for the last 6 months:  start arma2oaserver.exe -mod=Expansion;ca;@hive;@dayz -name=cfgdayz -config=cfgdayz\server.cfg -cfg=cfgdayz\basic.cfg -profiles=cfgdayz
At one point I think I had originally used : start arma2oaserver.exe -mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\expansion;ca;@hive;@dayz -name=cfgdayz -config=cfgdayz\server.cfg -cfg=cfgdayz\basic.cfg -profiles=cfgdayz
but then I played around with it to see what would work.
This test server goes back to a pwnzer-based server that I created when I took over The Dead Walk. I could rebuild it from scratch I suppose, but I'm not sure where to begin to make it the "right/clean/better way"?  I thought I saw a post by razor someplace. I'm open to suggestions since I see 1.8.7 coming after the holidays....
Edited by skigoggles

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my server is doing the same patch has broken the server just says session lost when you try and join it


I think its to do with my server reporting the required version is 1.63 (SHOWED GREEN BUT LOAD FAILED)

I was able to join another server where it said the required version was 1.63.131129 (SHOWED ORGANGE BUT LOADED IN OK)


I do have requiredBuild = 131129; 

in my config but in the server browser its showing 1.63 only and yes my server is upto date cause the server shows GREEN

as I have the same patches installed

Edited by 8bitgamers.co.uk

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i'm still messing around with this. I was using a .BAT file to connect to the local test server  [arma2oa.exe...-mod -port ...blah blah ] - it WAS working fine until the update.


Things I tried - removing/reinstalling battleye on client + server. verifying/resintalling on client/server. Removing all data from character_data, player_data, player_login tables. I also removed a bunch of customizations. Also tried launching dayzmod and/or arma2oa then going multiplayer/LAN then trying to get in. Always "session lost". I also turned off battleye.


What I saw by various trial and error methods is that the STEAM_ID was not getting set for whatever reason. If I tried to connect, then got the error, then canceled I could get to the profile menu and they did not have an ID.


My local server files were out of date. The newer server files take a single port parameter for queryport and then steamqueryport is +1.  The one I had took it from the server.cfg.  


Still thinking it was my server, I tried a .BAT I had for my public server - "The Dead Walk". Same "session lost" error. 



I finally got connected to my server, but it's still not ideal. instead of calling arma2oa.exe in the .BAT , I switched it to steam://rungameid/33930  . Not ideal since it takes you to the menu and you have to pick multiplayer/LAN and then my server, but it worked!   So its the eternal launching problem -  arma2oa.exe for whatever reason is not connecting to STEAM and passing the STEAM_ID but the rest of the parms seem to pass. I'm getting close.


Honestly, I'm more worried about having to updated the public server with vilayer...

Edited by skigoggles

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drum roll please.....


After all of that BS, the solution was to find arma2oa.exe, goto the properties, compatability and check "run as administrator". All fixed.

Edited by skigoggles

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drum roll please.....


After all of that BS, the solution was to find arma2oa.exe, goto the properties, compatability and check "run as administrator". All fixed.

AND for those out there who want to hear more of my woes AND who are database people....


At one point I thought this was an issue with the character_data, player_data,  player_login tables.  so for each of the 3 I did a "create table <table_name>_bak as select * from <table_name>" to back them up then deleted everything from them. When that didn't work I restored them by deleting the <table_name> and renaming the _bak. Can anyone guess what I did wrong?


The game runs, but there is some weirdness - you spawn with no inventory. You spawn randomly, no select. When you die, you spawn new. I looked in the database and saw that the character_id of the character_data table was 0 (zero) for both people playing. The lasst_udpated clumn was null. Ugh, it took me a few minutes to figure it out.


The create table as select only pulls the data (of course), so I lost all of the auto-update, auto-increment columns and the constraints, etc. I rebuilt them from the original SQL and it was all good.

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I use Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead in Steam to launch DayzMod now..


I pasted this...


"-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2;EXPANSION;CA;@DayZ;" -high -nosplash -skipintro


into the SET LAUNCH OPTIONS of my ARMA 2: OA in Steam.

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