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New Dayz map 20x20km central europe :::work in progress

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Hello devteam and survivors,


short n quick:

I want to build a "hand made" Dayz SA map from scratch to enhance the original chernarus+ map in the same "chernarus+"-style like BI did the current one. My goal is to start working with the height-model / terrain within the Xmas holidays and to be ready anywhere around 1.3 release .

BI said, they will support mods just after 1.0 release, so i think its good to start terrain building in the meantime.

To ensure things get not twisted: i ONLY make a terrain and the textures at first... no objects in this phase.

I just want to wait for object-placement until all the Dayz content is in the game.


the map should look like this when finished:

- Countryside map, no big cities, allmost small to middle villages with big distances between

- some special buildings and areas like a small airfield, a nuclear power plant, a big lake with a isle, ...

- a big river and some small with bridges

- one small town near the powerplant

- alot of hidden places and lonely houses through terrain complexion

- large forests

- a "big" abandoned NATO base

- a highway which connects the villages with the town



Devteam questions:

Will there be something like the Arma 3 Tool to handle the content for maps?

Will we get acces to Arma 3 content like texture layers, grass, trees, fences, stones&rocks, buildings... in additional to the Dayz SA content?

What map size should i focus on, 1024x1024x1 or could a 2048x2048x1 also run without floatingpoint problems?



What do you think, what could be more immersive to the Dayz experience on a new map?

What do you think of MP missions?

Edited by Funkdoc

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  On 12/14/2015 at 11:47 PM, TheSneakyDude said:

1200 posts and i am just getting to that =D


why not, i mean its not unusual asking things like this in the designated forum?


Maybe the guys have some infos they would announce to the public like they do for game content

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Sure ask all you want. Ill sit back and get the info from you then.


Yes its not unusual, to find out the pre-determined tools.

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How did you manage to do that?

Ive Always been willing to add my own model in DayZ

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dayz will also run this pbo with some adjustments, i m sure, but this is A3 (for example)

..some hours of search and study the tools...


i decided to start 3d editing for that map with the tool L3DT


here some screenshots







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Good job Funkdoc.... I knew you love to mod. Glad you found the arma 3 tools to start up a project over the weekend.


Hope your correct on the PBO

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  On 12/18/2015 at 8:41 PM, Spaggiari said:

How did you manage to do that?

Ive Always been willing to add my own model in DayZ

Nice work on the dayz thread. Those items you guys are designing will most likely go a long way in development for mods.


I am a scriptwriter so i am not very good with art, or modeling. Although i have never really tried to either.

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Well we could work together then. I'm more into art than scripting.

Actually I dont even script at all.

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I would love to see dense vegetation (trees,bushes,grass) like in Frankies Exile DayZ mod map as seen in his last video.

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What software is used to model the buildings? I'm currently training as an Architectural Technician and wouldn't mind giving it a bash (as long as it didn't interfere with my coursework).

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  On 12/22/2015 at 1:42 PM, Miracool said:

I would love to see dense vegetation (trees,bushes,grass) like in Frankies Exile DayZ mod map as seen in his last video.


this is what i also want to see on my map, and i am sure we will see maps like esseker with high quality a3 content (trees, bushes...grass!) after the game is finished.

Bohemia Interactive is well known for their moddable Gamedesign, so i think we have nothing to fear...


  On 12/22/2015 at 4:57 PM, Tactical Nuke said:

What software is used to model the buildings?


u can use whatever u want for modelling. afterall u have to convert it in the needed filetypes ...  u can do this with the bi community tools

Edited by Funkdoc
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Dayz winter map considerations


Hello survivors!


i m thinking of winter textures for my new map. so it would be nice to have some ideas from the community.


therefor allot of work is to do on textures of houses, trees, bushes, rocks...

and of course the ground texture.

the question is, should streets also be fully snow covered or should they have tire tracks on slightly covered streets, so that u are able to follow the street easily.

i know in a zombie apocalypsis there wont be much tire tracks on a snow covered street, but finding your way through the map would be easier.


another thing are footprints. i think footprints should disappear after 10min and have a new snow texture. this belongs also to animal footprints (if possible).


And of course the temperature would also affect your body and stamina. It should be pending about  -10 and 0° celsius. A timer for warming up phases should let u know in some visual effects to make some fire  anywhere and warm up for 5 min. if u are not dressed properly, u will cool out and get frostbites or freeze to death.


thats much more than only build a map... i know its modding with alot of scripting work but when i decide it to do, i want it to be perfect.


what do u think of it?

Edited by Funkdoc
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I had a mess around with the A3 tools and discovered I can model some buildings, export to 3DS Max then export from there to A3 tools. Will give it a bash at the end of term because with my graded unit coming up I wont have much spare time. I don't know where that would leave textures/skins whatever but I could certainly have a bash at modelling some dilapidated houses in the mean time.

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Hello survivors,

a little work have been done on a new 20x20km map with a river and a lake.

just a few screenshots


a zoom into the lake and the river



foarming some sand banks


mountain work





sorry for the low detailed graphics... buldozers renderer is not set to maximum

in arma3 it really looks great

Edited by Funkdoc
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hi there,

just want to show a new screenshot of placing some objects on the new lake isle (~1000x500m) to get the right relation on the isle's average height.

also searching for good looking rvmat's for the ground textures of the forest, beach and riverside...

as i said, objects are just placed for testing purposes.



as u can see here, alot of terraforming work has to be done for realistic looking riverbed





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