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Hey guys, new PvE overpoch server owner here.. I have a growing population on my server hosted by Survival Servers but I'm currently only running off the addons and scripts they could put in, which they charge for.. I have alot I want to add, but when I ask them about it they tell me if it's not on their list, they cant do it.. I paid for self bloodbag and a month later theyre still having problems getting that to work... anyways, I was here to ask if someone would help me get this baby up and going the way I'd like, I have a list of addons i'd like to see on the server since I have no clue how to both edit my mission files and put them back on the server, and SS is no help in giving me a walkthrough, I am willing to pay for both assistance in getting it all set up or having it done for me.. heres what i have, and what i want in the future




Snap Building


Walking Zeds


Advanced Traders







Change View Distance option on scroll wheel

NO armed/armored vehicles as random spawns, only moto bikes and UAZs

Change Bandit Trader to Hero trader (since it's a PvE server)

Make it where dead AI drop coins for the "check wallet option"

Custom BEC messages

1 step trading

Add a few vehicles to the hero trader list, and a few weapons

Vector Building

Alchemy Building using gems

Turn off road debris

PVP area on skalisty Island (red circle on map)

And insert custom loot spots I have made in the editor

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