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My return after a year long break - Disapointing

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I have almost 300 hours in the DayZ SA. I greatly enjoyed my time playing DayZ, but felt that I had experienced all there was at the time and decided to take a long break and let the development of the game take its course.


Upon reinstalling and putting a few more hours in the game.....nothing has changed.


I don't mean that literally, it's nice to be able to find a new melee weapon here or there and to come across plant seeds so I can grow vegetables (I guess?) but it seems that the bulk of the game remains unchanged. I read all of the developers notes thoroughly and the only thing I was slightly impressed with was vehicles, although I have yet to experience them in game.


I can't say that I'm an experienced developer, but I guess I was hoping for a lot more to be done in the year time that I was away. I will continue to be patient because I feel DayZ still has some huge potential. 


Keep on survivin'

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The reality is that gameplay is unlikely to change much.  More content will be added but the base gameplay is what it is, since the mod and since the start of the SA.  Which is why people get burnt out quicker and quicker imo (including myself).  For those of us who started with the mod we've been playing the game for years now.  I'm personally waiting for the next patch to respark my interest.


I think the only major change we will see before the end of development is base building, which will flesh out the "end game" quite a bit.  Still, at the end of the day everything else revolving around stocking your base is the same old story of looting and pvping.  The scope of the gameplay itself is pretty much set.


The fortunate thing is that the sandbox experience by its nature can remain appealing for extended periods of time, as the enjoyment is generally derived from emergent gameplay.  Some times it just involves taking a break and coming back.  In your case it wasn't enough, but perhaps with modding you'll be able to find the experience you're looking for.

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Those are all excellent points, and very well said. The sandbox experience has always been appealing to me. I can definitely see myself putting many more hours into DayZ sometime in the not so distant future.

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Just a note but the game has changed quite significantly since November last year. :) Mostly feature and building expansion but content is easy to add later.

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Me think there are big changes made in the backround wich are not implementes right now and that took way more time then developers expected.


  • Complete rewrite of the new engine
  • new renderer
  • new animation controller
  • and UI

These are things the devs are workin quite a lot on, these tasks took a long time but we dont see the improvements (except of a few images). I hope, if those are implemented and workin well for alpha, the improvements will be achieved faster. The whole workflow should be cleaned up because nobody has to worry about two systems running in the same time. 


And yes, I am a fanboi :)

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I would wait until Beta before returning. I'm also burnt out right now, and I won't be returning until Beta hits or there's a significant change added to the game.

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