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I miss the old, regular DayZ mods

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After DayZ SA got released people slowly started changing their views on the game. Some wanted the realistic "hardcore" survival from the standalone, and some apparently love the Epoch mod where you can build a base and store alot of locked vehicles for yourself and then just sit there without any fear of dying.


But I really miss the old DayZ mods like the current vanilla DayZ (which some still play, though the biggest servers also do have some Epoch-touches like locked vehicles (I HATE LOCKED VEHICLES! :D) which makes it not fully vanilla DayZ). I also really miss the old DayZ Panthera, DayZ Namalsk and DayZ Taviana. Panthera, Namalsk and Taviana servers without Epoch on them, just plain and simply doesn't exist anymore and I find this a little bit sad. I would play the shit out of any server that provided any of these old mods and with a decent playerbase (20 people).


Is it just me who misses these mods or are there others out there? :]


 - Lytten

Edited by Lydig
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It's my hope that SA becomes not unlike a fleshed out and souped up version of epoch. And by souped up i mean quality graphics and mechanics. Things like a medical and vehicle system that is in-depth, rather than just a military sim with apache and venom helicopters, is going to turn out pretty sweet regardless of future design choices at this point.


I do miss a few things though. Flying planes was my number one absolute favorite activity. Soon I'll be able to do that again. My greatest DayZ accomplishment was building a giant metal and cement hangar (albeit with donator packs my clan purchased) with a literal bat cave entrance (three metal panels wide, one and a half cement walls high) that I would fly my CAMEL plane into, with enough room to park up to six of them, and be able to taxi out for flying out of it in order to take off, which was off the side of a cliff (more of a steep hill) and resulted in a death defying swoop before gaining enough airspeed to level off. Sounds convoluted and ridiculous I know. I truely regret not capturing images or video of it, but at the time my old computer was barely running the game in the first place. So many DayZ memories.


If the devs release a plane that is manuverable enough, and if people are able to shoot a SAW out of the side of a little bird, then I am going to pine and beg for the ability to strap an M249 SAW to the front of the plane with a simple interruptor in order to gain the ability to dogfight with them. Sounds convoluted and overly militaristic I know, but in reality a plane with a SAW attatched to it is basically a flying target with a pea shooter on it, relativistically speaking. It's quite hard to actually point the thing at a ground target (because of the planes tendency to travel in the direction in which it is pointed) and so anyone on the ground can either very easily disable a plane by shooting at it or very easily take adequate cover given the very limited options planes have when they want to do a strafe firing run.


Perhaps I'm getting off topic, but it's your own damn fault for bringing up Epoch.


I am Sky Commander FlimFlamm,


Over and out.

Edited by FlimFlamm
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The only thing I really miss from the mod is mid to long range engagements.  However, even that scene was taking a backseat towards the end of when I was playing (start of the SA) where fights were devolving into mainly LMG focused, sprint and spray fests.  I just miss the period earlier on in vanilla mod where fights were a lot slower paced and involved a lot more precision aiming.  Where you could beat a group of players with your enfield against their assault rifles.


To that end as well, I felt like the mod had better player choice/personal preference when it came to weapons.  I usually opted for ironsights over nearly every variation of weapon with an optic and I didn't suffer for it.  In the SA if you aren't using an ACOG or PU or whatever, you're handicapping yourself quite a bit.  (theoretically any ways, because most fights don't actually take place at range)


PvP in general was better in the mod, but there were faults.  I recently went back to it and racked up something close to 60 kills on a single life so there was definitely something too easy about it.  I hope the SA can find a better balance between the two.  There's a lot of things the SA does that I greatly prefer, like pistols feel a heck of a lot better than arma 2 or even arma 3 to me, but there are some very big issues that just make the majority of fights devolve into close range spray fests, negating the majority of the cool stuff.


My hope, and I think the aim, is that on release the SA will basically be the mod with better systems/mechanics and more room to grow.

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try dayzeuropa.com. It's chernarus but pure vanilla. A lot of players and awesome admins.

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After DayZ SA got released people slowly started changing their views on the game. Some wanted the realistic "hardcore" survival from the standalone, and some apparently love the Epoch mod where you can build a base and store alot of locked vehicles for yourself and then just sit there without any fear of dying.


But I really miss the old DayZ mods like the current vanilla DayZ (which some still play, though the biggest servers also do have some Epoch-touches like locked vehicles (I HATE LOCKED VEHICLES! :D) which makes it not fully vanilla DayZ). I also really miss the old DayZ Panthera, DayZ Namalsk and DayZ Taviana. Panthera, Namalsk and Taviana servers without Epoch on them, just plain and simply doesn't exist anymore and I find this a little bit sad. I would play the shit out of any server that provided any of these old mods and with a decent playerbase (20 people).


Is it just me who misses these mods or are there others out there? :]


 - Lytten



So rent a server and play?

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