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Anyone recruiting for DayZ Origins, DayZ Epoch/Overpoch or DayZ SA

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Hello, my name is Jack. I am currently seeking for a clan to play DayZ. I have played DayZ since 2013, so I know the physics and play-style etc. My favourite mod is Origins, I believe they just updated it and it seems harder than ever! For DayZ SA, I've played it since it was released. I have Teamspeak and Skype so fill free to add me.


Skype: ferret_flare34 

Edited by Roadman

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Hey man you if your interested why not try Konvictgaming


Konvict Gaming is still looking more new members it is a 16+ gaming community we play dayz standalone, dayz mod, and many more games 


Were are a fun and trusted community. We are highly active with people to play with most hours of the day if you like playing as a group KG is for you feel free to invite your friends 


Sign up to Konvict Gaming Today to become PART IF THE 70+ CREW MEMBERS WHO PLAY IN THE DAYZ SECTION.


TS3 IP - ts.konvictgaming.com



Hope to see you in KG


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Hey i have  been looking for a clan to join for a while and if i can join your clan i would be happy to use my server as a clan server

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Hey dylanthebigboy1, 


Checkout the Misfits Dayz Clan website @ http://misfitsdayzclan.enjin.com/home& submit an application two tabs over from the home section on the top of the website.  Then hop in our teamspeak channel that you can get access to by going to our homepage and it'll be on the left side of the page.  Poke a member to talk to when you get in the welcome lobby!

~Mf Nate

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