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My two bob.

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For Dean Hall

                      To start I remember hearing from you on a Youtube clip, You asked the military if you could build them a game to physiologically prepare soldiers in training for anything & everything they may face among fray.

They said there not there yet, & you were refused the opportunity.


(I know your working on correct animations for everything in game)



These are the topics i want to shed light on


  1. People
  2. Zombies
  3. Cities 
  4. Bush 
  5. Hunting


This is no small feat. 



  • The complete anatomy of the human should be included
  • Realistic reactions to melee & missile weapons, If i hit you on the head with a sledge hammer it caves in, Ability to sever limbs (50cal round off with there arm/head/leg does it really matter with that one?) etc 
  • The above will give more weight to protective gear, which should weigh you down
  • Ability to create the aesthetics of your survivor
  • True effects of protective equipment  


  • If you don't take its head it won't die.
  • I don't care, even if its a bit of torso and a head it should still be alive
  • Realistic reactions to melee & missile weapons, If i hit the zombie on the head with a sledge hammer it caves in, Ability to sever limbs (point blank shot gun round off with there arm/head/leg, splatter marks anyone?) etc 
  • Different types of Zombies, the younger the victim the more obscure or mutated the zombie(different abilities?)
  • What senses will the Zombies have? You got 5 senses to Heighten or Dampen to aid the zombie in its efforts to feed
  • Walking Hordes, Lone runners, Building ambushes, leader zombies for military Zombies, jumping/climber zombies etc
  • Corrupted Fauna
  • Hunters/stalker Zombies that track you indefinitely 
  • Turned survivors with the loot they died with, until the server resets


  • If your homeland doesn't have it then don't put it in
  • Destructible walls/ doors/windows/structure of buildings(via explosives or know how) , If your digging in isn't tough enough the Zombies will be able to get in, Don't forget other survivors    
  • Ability to create fox holes/trenches/under ground storage etc
  • Savage and corrupted pets roaming around town/cities  


  • Once again SHOW ME RUSSIA!!!
  • If your homeland doesn't have it then don't put it in
  • Ability to harvest the type of flora, you may use for crafting/medicine/tools etc
  • Hostile & corrupted fauna, If it is a predator or pray that live in Russia put it in, Give them territory just like real life
  • Make it so, going bush is a toss up between the city or towns.  
  • True anatomy of every Fauna, If i shoot its leg it limps, Its heart it dies etc (Show its flicker of life)
  • Dense flora, So you will need a machete or something to cut your way
  • Ever been turned around in a forest dean? Do you think its possible to make it so in a game? Show me... please do!
  • Ability to track all movement in game/ forests, With the flora bouncing back before server restart as in real life.      


  • Please Show me Russian Fauna
  • Predator & Pray
  • True anatomy of all (Human/Predator & Pray)
  • Ever been hunting? Replica that... You know how they just don't give up till their last breath
  • Head & Heart sweet spots, Legs/arms to disable... you know
  • Damage to hit anatomy, so you won't be able to salvage everything 
  • Becoming the pray when going bush, (You stumbled across bear & your down wind... Your in the territory of a pack of wolves and your being hunted, & you don't know till they are on you)  
  • Ability to stumble across tracks of every Fauna in game (including human) & track what ever animal it is
  • Ability cover your tracks
  • ability to savage everything from fauna, you could use via crafting or food etc
  • True missile & melee damage to target with obviously point of contact & trajectory exit holes/ loss of limbs/ guts you name it
  • I don't care if its human or animal... if i server your head it comes off\
  • DayZ is for Adults not under 18 years old  



Thank you for your time



Kind regards







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Sorry, friend. Dean Hall's been gone since December of last year. Hopefully another dev reads this, though Dean was always a bit of a visionary and would have loved most of these ideas.


EDIT: And Chernarus isn't Russia, it's Chernarussia, a fictional, slavic nation, with terrain based loosely on a small region of the Czech Republic bordering Germany.

Edited by Guppy the DayZ Medic

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Well these are infected humans, not zombies so the headshot thing will never happen without mods.

And yes, Dean has been lost and turned around in a jungle before. Alone. For days. That's how he almost died during landnav in South America. That's how he got the idea of DayZ while he was recovering

Edited by Owen.

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